Also since apparently this Elli vote isn’t going to happen, even though it absolutely should, I’m going to fully sheep Kim’s read and vote VOTE: M2H
Wouldn’t hate it
Mason powers activate.
Since we haven’t heard much more from M2H, I’m going to go back and look at him. Similar to Doggo, the way M2H was talking, I was maybe expecting more from him. Apparently so was Eli.
Eli, you apparently have a bunch of experience with M2H. Enough that both of you acknowledge that you’re kind of a mentor to him and teaching him stuff.
The day is almost over. You have probably most of what you are going to get from him.
What’s your wizard read there? Sorry if I’ve missed you make one.
Basically I’d consider voting either M2H or Doggo. Eli isn’t going to happen.
I’m a bit meh about UFO being so defeatist here. I’ve never seen that before really.
I don’t think it’s necessarily scummy from him, but it is notable in that it’s different from games I’ve played with him. But I can at least vouch for the fact that he was kind of extra annoyed when he was playing his game here months ago. Lol he vented to me about that game a bit as it was happening.
I’m about to get on an airplane and then I’ll he settling in back home and unpausing my life, so I’ll be scarce between now and whenever this phase ends. I’m not extremely inspired by any of the reads we have circulating in this thread. I could vote for UFO or M2H right now, but those are mostly shrug votes.
I am skeptical of Elli in general. I accept his playstyle for what it is and am resisting the urge to scumread him for reasons of cultural difference, but that simply produces a null read on him. Once I look beyond that, I can see the framework of a very calculated scum game unfolding. I’m just putting this idea into the thread in case we hammer while I’m in the air (it’s a very short flight) and I get taken out during the night. I don’t expect anyone to want to lynch him today, and that’s alright. But he’s not a town read at the moment.
I’ve said what I have to say about M2H and UFO in earlier posts. They’re back there somewhere if anyone cares to follow up or add on to anything i’ve said.
Same. I think we’re in a similar place: a bit wrung out from an intense game on PlayDip, and frustrated with unfamiliar site meta and playstyle culture clash. But he also has previous frustrations feeding the “Oh This BS Again” Effect (similar to the “Oh This MFer Again” Effect).
Unlike the old heads here at 451, I encourage unadulterated chaos at the end of the phase.
Chaos is hard to react to. It is even harder to react to when your game depends on deception, lies, and calculation. Chaos forces the mafia team to react to things in ways they are ill-prepared for. That is a benefit to the town. Do it.
Votecount as of post #629
UFO Fever (2): Sloonei, DoggoPlays
M2H (2): kimpossible, UFOFever
Not Voting (3): Fatmo, Ellibereth, M2H
Gun-to-head reads while I twiddle my thumbs waiting to board:
Doggo - TOWN
Elli - MAFIA
Fatmo - TOWN
Kim - TOWN
Interesting that my gut went with m2h over UFO. I think I feel more like he is hiding rather than unable to participate.
I’m not gonna move my vote because I don’t trust you trigger happy hooligans at L1 with so much time left on the clock.
That emoji looks like a begrudging sneeze.
Yea I think I’m starting to agree that M2H is a decent vote.
The only thing I saw that gave me a possible reason to townlean him isn’t really as relevant anymore.
It was when he townread Doggo for coming out so rabidly against him.
Like that was his only real engagement for the most part. Which at this point seems pretty meh.
He then talked about his usefulness for town, which is pretty much…he never gets lynched?
He said he usually has a bunch of reads, but he hasn’t really made many. His strongest one was right at the start with Doggo.
And I’m still kind of suspicious of Doggo. If Eli isn’t scum, I think it’s possible it’s M2H and Doggo as scum and that was theater at the start. Like, one of the two times I was ever scum, I came out firing and my main engagement was scumreading my partner in a bunch of theatrics. And I’m usually kind of weary of people that do crazy stuff and then blatantly and explicitly come out with a line like “Why would I do something this crazy and aggressive if I was scum?”
Eli, this is kind of why I want to hear from you about M2H. Because it’s been established that he might not be making as many reads perhaps because of whatever advice you gave to him?
Plus it doesn’t seem like Doggo is going to be a vote, even though that might be interesting because it’s the one read that I remember the wizard has deemed as probably town here.
What do people think of Doggo’s reaction to my questioning early in the phase? He said that talking to me was “painful” and other such pleasantries (I take no offense, Doggo. ). Do people read that as a member of the mafia team who got flustered, or is it just a civilian who got sick of my bullshit?
It’s hard to say. But yes, the thought occurred to me it might have been an overreaction from scum.
The exchange begins at post #164 and continues on for a little while, if anyone cares to review.
I’m on an airplane now.
Oh, so here’s another theory about possible scum theater from Doggo. Reasonable thought, but it’s a lot of narrative. So I dunno.
Oh, and I just remembered Eli made a comment to UFO about thinking he could flip a coin between UFO and M2H. I assume that meant for Eli’s vote?
@Ellibereth I’ve asked you a few questions I’d like your answers/thoughts in the last batch of posts.