Deep Space 9 Mafia - Game Over!

I dont want to vote pyx…

Busy! I’m here now

I’m about ready to hammer… though I think hes a L-1 ? I’m not certain

I feel like he should be given the opportunity to sing the bohemian rhapsody before he dies

I’ll give it another hour. If not, I will post the lyrics for him.
@Urist are you okay w lynching him over pyx?

Yeah, it’s L-1.

ask me again after we see his flip

Alright 1 hour. Does that seem fair?

pyx: 2 (Judge Mental, catspurr)
catspurr: 3 (Urist, Metal Sonic, Andresvmb)

Not voting: 2 (pyx, Mantis)

With 7 alive, it takes 4 to lynch.

Deadline: in 3 hours, 20 minutes

I would think he’d at least be up by now on a Saturday morning.

I see no little silhouetto of catspurr
Scaramouch, scaramouch will he do the last tango?
Thunderbolt and lightning very very frightening me
catspurrleo? catspurrleo?
catspurrleo? catspurrleo?
catspurrleo furry oh!?! - magnifico, oh, oh, oh!?!


sorry if you are town cats…

VOTE: catspurr

I’ll be able to process this in a few minutes.

VC 4-25

catspurr: 4 (Urist, Metal Sonic, Andresvmb, Mantis)
pyx: 2 (Judge Mental, catspurr)

Not voting: 2 (pyx)

With 7 alive, it takes 4 to lynch.

Deadline: September 15, 2018 4:00 AM

This topic will close automatically 30 minutes after the deadline.

Mod Notes:

  • :slight_smile:

Day 1 Start: Deep Space 9 Mafia - Game Over!
Day 2 Start: Deep Space 9 Mafia - Game Over!
Day 3 Start: Deep Space 9 Mafia - Game Over!
Day 4 Start: Deep Space 9 Mafia - Game Over!

A Lynch Has Been Achieved!

You are feeling pretty worn down at the end of your shift in Ops, and decide to find that bar on the Promenade you keep hearing about. It’s not a huge place, as you’d expect on a space station. The decor is…different. Not Bajoran, and definitely not Federation, and seems a little crowded and colorful for a Cardassian hangout, from what you’ve heard about Cardassians, anyway. There’s music, but no dance floor. But there are several crowded gaming tables.

Someone enters the room right behind you. The tables grow quiet - the sound of gold pressed latinum bars clacking against each other and against the table surfaces ends abruptly.

Curious, you look behind and see that it’s the Constable. Constable. What a strange sounding title, a law enforcement holdover from the days when the station belonged to the Cardassians. Technically, he’s now the security chief, but most station residents still call him Constable.

He’s a strange one. His form and features are bipedal, but no one would mistake that lumpish clay-like face for any of the humanoid species from the Alpha quadrant.

An alarm sounds “Intruder Alert! on the Promenade!” You look around the bar. There are easily 2 dozen species present and represented, but from their various reactions to the alarm, who knows if they’re friend, foe, bystander?

“Initiate scan,” you bark, and everyone freezes, The ones with epidermal hair experience goosebumps from the energy pulses.

The Constable, though, appears to be – melting? His crude facial features sink inward, and he becomes a sort of golden liquid. Someone from behind the bar tosses you a bucket. “He’ll be needing that.”

You shrug and set the bucket down by the Constable’s metamorphic feet. As though he’d been holding on to his shape for dear life, the Constable literally pours into the bucket, sloshes once or twice and then grows still.

A different sort of glow appears on the molten surface. They look like embers from a campfire. They rise and flit aimlessly for a moment before flashing out of the bar and onto the Promenade proper. You hear gasps and screams as you rush after the cloud of sparks. They hover for a moment near the Bajoran Temple, and then fly forcefully at the nearest huge window-like port. There’s a popping sound, and you realize that they are now on the other side of the port. The Wormhole dramatically appears like a huge cloudlike vortex spinning crazily. The red sparks rush toward the Wormhole, but it closes abruptly before they can pass through.

The sparks spread and thin out, then move toward Bajor itself. They sink into the atmosphere and eventually are completely obscured by heavy clouds.

It looks like a storm is brewing.

catspurr was

catspurr was

Welcome! You are a Pah-wraith, aligned with the Cult of the Pah-wraiths. Your fellow Cult of the Pah-wraith members are skitter30 and Nanook.


  • You are a Psychic Parasite. If you choose to make the factional night kill, you can take control of another player’s mind, unless the player has an Orb or Orb fragment. The player you control can unwittingly make the kill for you. You choose their kill target. If the player has an Orb, then they are immune to your influence and you will make the kill, yourself.
  • You possess the Dark Orb. This Orb grants you the ability to enter the Celestial Temple at night. At the end of each night, you can choose to keep the Dark Orb or give it to another player.
  • The Fire Caverns - you can communicate with Player X and Player Y at all times of the day or night in this Quicktopic:

Win Condition:

  • You win when the Cult of the Pah-wraiths are the majority of players, or nothing can prevent that from occurring.

The Prophets win!

Night 1 Temple
Night 2 Temple
Night 3 Temple

The Wormhole (Dead topic): The Wormhole (dead thread)

The Fire Caverns (scum QT):


Orig Order Character Name Rand Order Role notes
1 Benjamin Sisko 3 Emissary Searches for orbs. First orb gives access to Celestial Temple. Additional orbs let the player invite someone else to join the neighborhood.
2 Dax 2 symbionte can visit a player at night and protect them from night kills. Cannot be directly targeted, but any investigative action taken on the player they protect will also give info about them
3 Pah Wraith 4 scum parasite can visit a player at night and cause the player to kill a target of their choosing, unless the player has an orb or orb fragment. While they have the dark orb, they can eavesdrop or participate in the Celestial Temple neighborhoods
4 Brunt 8 vanilla townie
5 Miles O’Brien 14 fake claim
7 Odo 15 fake claim
8 Kira Nerys 12 lineage cop Will learn player’s life-form/species
9 Worf 1 1-shot vig
10 Jake Sisko 6 vanilla townie
11 Elim Garak 5 miller-bodyguard can protect a player from night kill by dying instead
12 Quark 11 vanilla townie
13 Rom 16 fake claim
14 Nog 10 vanilla townie
15 Moogie 9 Conditional aquirer If they target a corporeal player, they will take possession of any property the player owns, and leave behind an article of clothing.
16 Kai Winn Adami 7 role blocker The player they target at night will not be able to perform a night action.
17 Tora Ziyel 17 fake claim
18 Gol Dukat 13 Scum goon
19 Grand Negus sample role PM
Dark Orb allows the pah wraith to eavesdrop on the celestial temple
Orbs/Tears of the Prophets 3 orbs The orbs transport players’ consciousness into the Celestial Temple (wormhole) for the night. Whoever has the orbs each day will have a night-time neighborhood
Sirah’s bracelet Just a bauble
Object Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Night 3 Day 4
Dark Orb catspurr catspurr catspurr - catspurr
Orb of Contemplation Mantis Josh - acquirer Andres - Emmisary Josh steals Orb, orb goes to Andres (whoo random) Andres
Orb of Time _fferyllt Urist - rand after death Urist Nobody touches Urist
Sirah’s Bracelet ActionDan/Judge Mental Judge Mental Josh Bracelet goes to… Metal Sonic
Player Ability Night 1 Night 2 Night 3
srceenplay symbionte (2-shot protect+) pyx Andres dead
Andresvmb Emissary (orbseeker) searches Judge - doesn't find an orb searches Josh, finds orb searches pyx
Parsec/pyx 2-shot Bodyguard - Mantis Andresvmb
Josh Acquirer searches Mantis - finds orb Searches Judge
Urist 3-shot life-form cop investigates Judge - fails because blocked Investigates Judge investigates Josh
skitter/Cabd 2-shot roleblocker blocks Urist - succeeds dead -
catspurr parasite kill have MS kill _fferyllt - succeeds Have MS kill Screenplay - fails because visiting Andres Have Mantis kill Josh
ordinary scum kill -
Celestial Temple 1 N1 Neighborhood _fferyllt, Mantis, catspurr (optional)
Celestial Temple 2 N2 Neighborhood Urist, Josh, catspurr (optional)
Celestial Temple 3 N3 Neighborhood Urist, Andresvmb, catspurr (optional)
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Thread reopened!