Roll 6d6 Mafia - Game Thread

Would you be interested in playing in my game?

I can’t make heads or tails out of what kind of setup that is, except for “neighbors”.

“Your role pm is your neighorhood”
“Your neighborhood has a power, vote on it’s use”

neighborhood games would be too much of a clusterfuck for me to handle atm

Definitely not. I prefer classic mechanics.

When people make custom rolecards and confirm the card from another modbot pm, people can always choose to not read their rolecard and confirm anyways.

But what if the modbot requires you to state your role and alignment

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Not reading your Role PM is tantamount to throwing. You are intentionally not playing to your win con (since you could be playing to it if you knew what it was). It’s a form of angle shooting.

I could see how not knowing you were scum could potentially help some players

At least for day one

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That’s because you’re bad :smile:

I outsmarted Scum there N2. Felt good.

Nono by read I mean DS saying ActionDan attacked chesskid, I read that as andres

Oh yeah. DS did screw that up. I see what you mean.

He did? I thought my memory tricked me.

No it’s definitely there.

Hence the last sentence. Plus not knowing who your team members are.

Welp, missed the game. Glad you figured it out for me. :slight_smile: Nice job!

@chesskid3 Still not sure why you seemed to cc M2H. Also not sure if you’re serious that vigging Elli was a good choice on my part.

@Ellibereth Sorry I vigged you as town. Has the scum chat been released? @M2h @ActionDan Was I right in thinking you might try to frame me by killing Elli and showing me to be pushing a townie vs a scum wagon (in this case, vs two scum wagons)?

Thanks @DS and all for the fun game.

(I told you I was bad as town. :stuck_out_tongue: )

Oh, found the scum thread. Reading