she is, she never gets wagonned
Literally lolled
tammy also flaked (but unrelated to me - she town read me and we got along in thread and out)
Making a game super toxic has been my scum strategy with the highest win rate actually
Another example remember the first time we played together elli?
U got copped n1 and it was a 9/2/1 setup and sk died early too?
Literally just flaked my way thru the game
That or toxic is just stupid like why bother playing
i always point out I almost fakeclaimed cop with a guilty on the real cop first post d2 and i said as such in the scum qt.
LOL yes but not the point of the story
On like the second page of d1 I claimed day cop as scum and said i copped a scum result on what turned out to be the actual day cop - he would counterclaim me of course but i think a game event happened which ended the day or something and on day 2 we lynched the actual day cop. :3
so on the topic of the actual thread, i think the biggest thing in good scum play is night kill play. as in, knowing who to kill and when to pr hunt vs threatening player hunt, when and how to doc dodge, etc. killing the right players makes or breaks a game.
Yeah I’ll split out the beginner stuff
You split my post about mistakess
I think you get better at playing mafia role by playing a lot and seeing your mistakes and working on them
whoops moved it back lol
I almost always err towards strongest pr read but that might be wrong.
I always go for biggest in thread threat to the team

I almost always err towards strongest pr read but that might be wrong.
What do people do different when they are a useful PR?
Some players are more “obvious” (I unfortunately screw up in this regard a lot).
Some feel more impervious to pressure because they have a powerful claim.
Some are a lot more hesitant with offering any reads at fear they’ll be nk’d if they just turn out to be right.
Some will freak out at the sign of any wagon on them because they’ll be scared they’re going to be forced to claim.
Coordination with partners always helps with scumplay, partly because they’re the most fun part about being scum but also because it gives you a lot more control over the game when you’re actually working together.
I try identify players who are easier to manipulate and get on my side. Often it’s the people who think logic sounds towny. I aim to kill the ones who are harder to manipulate during the day and more likely to stir up lynches on scum, I suck at pr reading.