Deep Space 9 Mafia - Game Over!

It’s another reason why screens role didnt make sense. It seemed like too much power for town, with ms’s super special role. It was said by at least a few ppl (including me) that it seemed like too much town power. And ms didnt speak up at all. Not very townish if you ask me

^ah ya. You cover that in post 4238.

So I kind of think pyx is town. But… what’s to be said about the Miller and the fact that there doesn’t seem to be a cop. Pyx, what do you think?

I think that’s why Town has to lynch me if we don’t reach consensus today.

I’m up to D3 start on a reread. Right now for me it’s looking like Urist, but I’d like another iso of Andres. If it’s any of my MR buddies my hats off to you.

I’m not yet willing to completely backoff MS, but tha whole strategy as a mafia gambit is just too convoluted for me to accept, even if I really want to based on their play.

Yeah, there should be an alignment Cop and MS claiming I’m a really cool guy isn’t enough to spare me there not being one if Town is being forthright. I would have thought spliting the protectives between me and Screen, esp. with me dying if successful, would have been enough of a negative town utility, and again esp. since on any mass claim my slot could have simply claimed my BG had we not claimed Miller. At least we’ll get more after-game on GM variety (which doesn’t suprise me whatsoever) and player tactic.

And I’m not ready on Urist yet, but from what I’m reading at the D3 start and knowing there may be things in Orb-chat I’m not privy to, the fact that Ursit assumes Judge is Quark who then immediately claims Nog is not a slam-dunk clear of Urist’s RaceCop claim, to me, though I’ll give that it supports the claim.

let’s not lynch pyx

even though pyx is suicidal and wants to be lynched

I wonder if there’s anything in the game that can provide a 1 shot view. You know how Josh was looking for something? Maybe he would have been gifted a view ?


@catspurr , this was Day 3 and I don’t think Mantis had been targeted yet, am I right?

^pyx, that was today (d4) when cats said that. I had been targeted.

You’re correct. I don’t know what happened. I’ve got 2 tabs open, 1 current and 1 rereading the game. I only scrolled down from the Day3 start and somehow wound up on Day4 with cats post.

I didn’t think of that. See, this is why you’re Town, regardless of what is decided about me.

May I at least ask of those in the Orb-chat Night 2, was anything said that may have even hinted that Judge was Ferengi?


Ya and in Josh’s role on it does say his abilities could change.

Please explain how that makes that town

A Scum!Mantis has no incentive to find ways my Miller claim might be true. I’d think whoever is mafia would simply fall in line with the logic of lynching me yesterday.

^ Or at least today, since our Town UnkillableDoc got lynched yesterday.


VOTE: catspurr

VC 4-8

pyx: 1 (Judge Mental)
Urist: 1 (Mantis)
catspurr: 1 (Metal Sonic)

Not voting: 4 (catspurr, Urist, pyx, Andresvmb)

With 7 alive, it takes 4 to lynch.

Deadline: September 15, 2018 4:00 AM

This topic will close automatically 30 minutes after the deadline.

Mod Notes:

  • :slight_smile:

Day 1 Start: Deep Space 9 Mafia - Game Over!
Day 2 Start: Deep Space 9 Mafia - Game Over!
Day 3 Start: Deep Space 9 Mafia - Game Over!
Day 4 Start: Deep Space 9 Mafia - Game Over!