Stormy Seas (NSIMI Game A)

Where Fatmo, Kim, and I come from (and where we all met Nanook) the policy is usually that the GM will only answer questions sent via PM unless they’re incredibly important rules clarifications. But, any questions being asked to the GM should also be placed in the thread that way town gets all the complete info and we can verify that yes you actually asked that question and got that response.

Who are you and why are you acting so much like a site admin? Lol

lol i wasn’t being too serious. The Syndicate just has a few unique emojis that I like. I think a lot of them were designed specifically by and for syndicate users. I wouldn’t know how to go about extracting them here and it’s not super important.

thank you though.

i hate to break it to you…


I want to know where everyone’s thought process is coming from. I say share your reads whenever you get them but don’t treat them as infallible.

Also, I swear I saw someone ask me for a Doggo(sp?) read but now I can’t find that post and I wonder if I’m going crazy.

Do you have Doggo read? Can you share one?

Never mind it was this post when catching up and then I got mixed up. Still trying to relearn this forum.

Let me get fully caught up first.

So Elli are you hard claiming Mason as well, or is this your regular mason fake claim? Wrong answers only.

Should probably tag @Ellibereth

I always hard claim.

Ehh. Abrasive, but really detrimental. Still kind of a null to me for now.

I like what you’re doing though.

I know video is a different animal than forum but uhhh…doubt

I mean from your limited experience with me you should know I’m a brick wall with respect to these things so :stuck_out_tongue: .

Oh wait shit, you actually took me seriously and responded with a wrong answer only :rofl:

I’m kind of confused at this exchange between UFO and Eli.

Did Eli claim mason and I missed it? Or is this all like joking around based on previous games?

Also I’m probably not around here too much the rest of the night, if at all.

I read this as a mason claim.

I do not see it. What makes you interpret it that way?

What in tarnation does “daylily” mean?