MHA Mafia Game Thread - Game Over

So you think I’m right but hate my post? And I think you already know where I disagree.

This is a scum claim by GKB.
GKB wasn’t even the top wagon, Jake was.
Andre voted it to make both GKB and Jake at 4 votes.

The GKB slot needs to die today.

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I am saying that saying ‘this list of three people has at least one scum’ with almost no explanation is pretty much completely useless even if technically probably true

like this post is the first you’re explaining anything about your read on Eric


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maybe he’s just trolling? It’s day 1…

explain why lmao

whoa whoa whoa hold up

I think it’s a little premature for death sentences

That’s not a list of I think at least one of these is Scum. That list is I think this list is all Scum or likely Scum and is where, given the current state of the game, I would lynch within. Big difference.

Also, and some background on me I think (hopefully others that have played with me agree) - not all my reads are based on pure science right. Some of it is just feel. And I tend to trust my gut instincts early in the game. We don’t have much in the form of information - only people positioning themselves and agreeing or disagreeing. If I find a few of my fellow Town players, then I’ll try to form a picture of everyone in relation to them, and that’s how I go about it.

that makes it slightly less useless although it is still a list of names with no explanation

Okay, they’re useless. Then ignore them. I don’t see why you’re getting so worked up about it.

Right now I see two things:

  1. Jake trolling with his poetic posts
  2. GKB acting very poorly under pressure

However trolling, especially D1 rolemadness, is probably NAI. I can see why people would push him for that, but the Orange + Marshal interaction was weird.

Also GKB acting poorly under pressure is also not very NAI - everyone here would probably OMGUS if they were really busy.

I see 2 initial NAI pushes getting out of hand.

Thus I propose a new wagon, for their scummy, unexplained starts on our two largest wagons:
VOTE: orangeandblack5

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I suggest we ignore this. 95% orange doesn’t flip Scum.

I mean this is objectively bad.

I suggest that this is utter BS.

I really don’t see why that is an issue.

So you don’t think that the sequence of posts leading to and after GKB’s vote is alignment indicative at all? And don’t think that acting poorly under pressure is a sign of anything? In fact, you seem to dismiss most everything as not alignment indicative. But then you place a lot of emphasis on an early vote (the one on GKB) to put a vote on Orange?

You know what makes me feel okay about my vote? I am suspecting Arete, who still can’t deny the obviousness of the OMGUS (but doesn’t vote it) in #712, and is hedgy about it. You see, deadbanana’s reaction and Seth’s reaction are aggressive and uncompromising, and far more likely to come from Town.

Deadbananas actually just has zero non-hedgy stances

his strongest takes so far are that Cloned could theoretically be a lost wolf and that GKB is a scumlean

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…if I voted him he would literally be at L-2

I’m not putting someone at L-2 when we’re less than halfway through the day

I don’t see any alignment indications for GKB before votes, but I can see why people call him out on his OMGUS, based on the fact that most people don’t like it.

No I don’t. Frankly acting poorly under pressure is a sign of insecurity of mind - and he’s revealed a compelling reason why he may have that insecurity. Some of us are not as coherent as the advanced players, especially under pressure, regardless of our alignment.

I’m just snowballing my suspicions based on what appears to be coordination.
Imagine orange being scum - he already set up our two largest wagons. He’s powerful with his words, and I don’t like that.

Then why not vote Arete?

Does anyone actually have non-hedgy stances except for Seth

no wait I did the math wrong, it would be L-3

but still