Dusk dies! He was…mafia! Town win!
Dusk’s role was:
You’re Magneto. You have a helmet, you can do bendy metal stuff, you like chess, big whoop.
Your basic ability is: Uncontrollable Rage. Sometimes you get too angry to restrain your powers, and they explode in an unpredictable way. What will happen? Who knows! Certainly not you! If you aren’t blocked you’ll upgrade your ability. You can defer your ability.
You’re mafia, and you win when you reach parity with the town.
Your new ability is: Contained Rage . You’ve learned how to contain your rage! Congratulations! You may now target someone during the day–this will roleblock any actions they take during the day, and prevent any actions from targeting them during the night (excluding the factional kill). You can defer this ability.
Your new ability is: Refined Rage. Now you can not only contain your rage, but also refine and control it! You can aim this rage at someone during the first 24 hours of a day–if it succeeds, they will die immediately. If it fails, they will be removed from the game for the remainder of the day, but will return to the game the following day and be informed that you attempted to kill them. You will not be informed whether your attack was successful or not. You can defer this ability.
Laserlab’s role was:
Count Dooku
You’re Count Dooku! A welcome addition to any cloak convention. You may seem aloof and casually badass in a nonchalant, upper class way, but your heart is…probably mostly in the right place? He was just trying to save his planet and stop his piers from falling to hubris! #dookudidnothingwrong
Your basic ability is: Idealist. You’re a moral idealist, according to a throwaway line and uh…some comics, I guess? Anyways, you can upgrade your ability by either ending the day voting for a successful mafia wagon, OR not voting on a successful town wagon. You cannot defer your ability.
You are town, and win when the mafia are dead.
Your new ability is: Disillusioned . You’ve become disillusioned with your peers and the workings of the system. As such, you’ve turned to some…radical ideas. Given your friends on both sides, you can not be targeted by any abilities! You cannot defer this ability.
The third level would’ve been a one night parity check of two players combined with becoming an aware miller.
Srceen’s role was:
Sean Miller
You’re Sean Miller! You made the grave mistake of going up against Harrison Ford, and hoo boy did that not go well for you. And honestly? Serves you right. Dick.
Your basic ability is: Really Nice Hair. You’ve got some real nice hair, dude. So nice that if you get killed in any way, you’ll get casted in a new role the next day. You cannot defer your ability.
You are town, and win when the mafia are dead.
his second level would’ve been Patrick Koster, his ability would’ve been if he died by any means he could choose a player to JK the following night
his third level would’ve been ned stark, and his ability would’ve been a vengeful shot if he dies
There were two mistakes this game--srceen should've been NKed instead of urist, but I forgot to update my sheet after Dusk changed the kill. Thats entirely my fault, im not sure how much it altered the outcome but I hope not much. The second is that dusk's role was worded too ambiguously--it should have been clearer that an unsuccessful kill attempt referred to it being blocked or protected, and did not include hitting an ascetic.
Hopefully everyone had fun and enjoyed this lord of the rings themed game!