Chosen - GAME OVER

muffin didn’t u just wrecks shitass out of eddie in a scumgame

We have more than enough reason to disbelieve u rn

If you’re town work with us and stop being a wank

Lynch alisae the confscum

as for why Eddie is complaining why I’m not backing him up hating scum

It’s cos I know it’s not true, ur a complicated dude,

But I’ll believe ur town here

I thought u will pick scum in early game in fact cos u know I would pick scum (probably) and team with me or fight against me if I picked town

he definitely didnt wreck me

town would have won if they listened to me

unfortunately they didn’t have enough wisdom to see the light

I thought you’d be xcum. I planned on tunnelling you that’s why I voted before I read the thread lmao

VC 2.3

Alisae (2): Metal Sonic, Josh
Josh (1): Alisae
muffins (1): Key

Not Voting (3): muffins, northsidegal, Andresmvb

Deadline is May 28, 2018 5:43 PM (Europe: Paris), May 28, 2018 8:43 AM (America: Los Angeles)

VOTE: Metal Sonic

VOTE: Josh

I think we’re getting close to decision time and I want to get this started. I find Eddie’s overall play confusing. You are constantly propping MS up when I think anybody staring from the outside would think that there’s a good chance one of MS and Alisae is scum. Now, I actually agree with muffin - the interactions are starting to make me think Alisae is more likely to be Town. I also find a lot of your contributions too vague and/or not particularly illuminating. C’mon, a specific town read that is impossible to ever refute? You see, I established a verifiable rationale as to what would make me doubt Key is Town for example. If it turns out wrong, then me voting against Key at some other point would immediately make me look suspicious. Which is the point - I’m telegraphing as much as I can how I see the game but also, how it might develop because it’s the only way to make sure people can cross check what I’m saying later.

You are also relying too heavily on “I hate playing scum”. Well again, that’s truly impossible to check either way.

So, if you want me to change my mind, you really need to do some work.

And by this I more mean just get my vote out there. Obviously other people have voted.

my pre-game prediction is “if muffin is scum here gg town”

it came true so I think I’m right

But ANYWAY if you are town you should vote alisae because they are scummy! Look at us trying to solve the game while alisae is just scummy voteparking

Last paragraph is to everyone btw

can I change your mind then to vote alisae instead of josh?

what “chainsaw”? i made it pretty clear at the start of today (well before you even started posting) that i was strongly considering a MS+eddie team. then you start posting content that isn’t really all that town and MS calls it town. meanwhile, you’re townreading MS for some magical meta reason

you think i’m supposed to look at that and think “oh, yeah, that’s a perfectly reasonable interaction that obviously comes from two town players”? don’t act like this is a “chainsaw”. that’s disingenuous

what about anything i’ve said is “trash” or “hedgy”? you haven’t really talked about anything i’ve said and i’m not hedging anything

there is a pool of three players i think are likely scum and of them i think teams that involve alisae are less likely than other teams. this hasn’t changed except i’m willing to entertain the idea that key is scum (even though i don’t think that’s the case based on what key’s posted)

im still waiting on you to give me a single example of you saying this. funny thing is i actually searched for it on MS (not an expansive search, i just searched for “eddie+hate+scum” and sifted through results). outside of something a couple days ago, the only thing i can find is bulbazak saying you love being scum because you’re cocky enough to think you’re good at it and you agreeing with him (unless i’m reading the tone of that wrong and you’re going to claim it’s sarcasm? but it doesn’t look like bulba was joking to me so that sort of response, if sarcastic, doesn’t make sense)

i’ll even show an example of my own to show that i’ve at least had conversations with people (going back 4 years) where i tell them i don’t like scum

by the bye, since you think it’s possible i’m scum with alisae, i want to see you actually go through my interactions with alisae in this game and tell me what you think of them (because, even though they’re my own interactions, i think there are pretty clear-cut not-scum-together interactions, but hey, maybe they were staged!)

for example, i want you to talk about how alisae reacted to my suspicion D1 (168-175) and tell me you think that was alisae-scum getting upset at muffin-buddy

and i want you to honestly tell me you think how i’ve interacted with alisae today is something you think scum buddies would do (even ignoring whether it’s something i personally would do, if you want). as in not a surface-level “chainsaw hedging!” view, but actually reading what i’ve said about alisae and what we’ve been doing with each other today

don’t brush this exercise off as unimportant. i want to hear your opinions on it

yes, this is a 100% true and factual statement. in fact, i think you’re understating things here

i didn’t just wreck him. i DESTROYED him. i CRUSHED his spirit and ANNIHILATED all happiness in his life. he sent me a PM after the game asking me - nay, BEGGING me - to go easy on him if i ever roll scum against him again. it was almost pitiful. i could hear the anguish and pain in his tone; it was the tone of a man who felt like he’d lost everything

truly a sad sight to see

still, what’s your point? even if i had fooled eddie in that game, why would that be reason to assume i’m scum here?

and why is alisae confirmed to be scum to you? and are you ever going to do what i asked you to do?

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admittedly, i’m not a fan of alisae’s recent lurking (and the apathy towards the game could be defeatist i guess? not convinced)

and it annoys the shit out of me that key posts once a millennium before disappearing into the abyss and resurfacing later with what looks like something an artificial intelligence network spat out as an appropriate response for this human game of mafia that we play…

but that’s not really enough to make me think they’re necessarily scum

i don’t even know why i keep asking MS questions

something something quote about repeating things and expecting different results

i’m actually less convinced it’s eddie+MS now

but if only one of them is town, it’s MS

Metal Sonic’s posts have been fairly open wolfy imo.

i’m not a fan of the whole “do nothing but call alisae confirmed scum” schtick but i haven’t played with metal sonic in a while and inane nonsense seems par for the course to me

what difference would you expect if he’s town and thinks you’re scum?

Umm. My apologies.

The level of commitment to the MS read, mostly. The development of the read is super transparent and consistent. Plus I don’t think scum!Ali tunnels this hard in this setup, considering scum are trying to lynch Chosen. If MS flips Chosen, that’s hugely suspicious for scum!Ali (who is already under suspicion for claiming to pick scum). If MS isn’t Chosen, scum!Ali is apparently forgoing attempting to lynch the targets e needs to win.

I don’t really like the constricting of the lynchpool to {MS,Ali,Eddie}, but right now I don’t think my reads are better than the rest of the town so I’m avoiding bullheadedly pushing through my pet lynch. Having a vote on you means that if others agree with me there’s more of a wagon - otherwise if they agree but there’s no votes on you, they might just not. I don’t know if that makes sense, but I don’t like not having my vote in play and I didn’t want to put it in that pool.
I may be missing something but fsr I didn’t feel Alisae was particularly close to getting lynched.