Chosen - GAME OVER

VOTE: ms

any1 wanna lolhammer

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VOTE: kats

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its almost like he knows how to count to 5



Scum also don’t stay in a bad position if they can avoid it. That’s far too black and white.
The IC comment looked like overcompensating for a mistake, which makes it scummy.

maybe i was wrong and it’s eddie and MS!

You’re right I fucking lied and said I picked wolf when I actually picked town.

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Like what,
Why would I lie about this
Thats fucking stupid
Like really fucking stupid
I just piggybacked off of what Metal said because it was convenient.
Do I have to make a huge fucking post with big letters to say that I picked wolf and didn’t get it to make people lynch metal sonic?
Because I can do that its literally the most NAI shit ever.


did anyone ask you this or this just talkin to our lord

i don’t think you lied about that!

sorry if it wasn’t clear, i meant i think you’re lying about not getting it!

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Would you think I was lieing if I said I picked town and lied about either actually picking town or getting town?
Because the only thing I got from this thread was that I’m apparently scum for saying I got wolf and getting it cause I don’t exactly have anything to work with.

i uh… i… assume i might think you were lying if you were lying, i guess… maybe?

i’m really bad with trick questions, sorry!

i probably wouldn’t care much if you said you picked town

i just think you were piggy-backing off MS’s thingy in a slightly awkward way

but it has almost nothing to do with why i think you’re scum anyway

perhaps when i’m not slacking off while i should be working doing work, i’ll go into more detail!

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Ok muffin

i picked town~

VC 1.3

Metal Sonic (3): Alisae, Key, Katsuki
Katsuki (2): muffins, Josh
Alisae (1): Metal Sonic

Not Voting (3): fferyllt, northsidegal, Andresmvb


DEADLINE IS AT May 24, 2018 3:00 PM (Europe: Paris), May 24, 2018 6:00 AM (America: Los Angeles)

Honestly? The first person to be lynched is more likely than not going to be killed for the wrong reason, and is also very likely to be Town. I am most interested in people’s rationale for making any particular choice, and how they react when they are revealed to have made the wrong choice (which we inevitably will).

I am also of the opinion that the first person that needs to be killed should be someone that has claimed to have picked Town. There’s something comical about coming out and saying that you picked scum and didn’t get it. Like why put yourself in that position? The incentive is so bad that it almost makes it more likely for me to believe that this is in fact what happened. I don’t know if that makes sense.

And yes I did come out and say that I picked Town. So take my opinion with a grain of salt.

for the same reason that you asked this question, actually

with that said, if we’re lynching people that picked town then i changed my mind - i didn’t pick town

but cupcake said he did so he’s still a good lynch

In my head the thinking is something like this:

“I’m scum, so maybe if I claim that I picked scum and didn’t get it, people will think that it’s genuine. But if I do, and people find it scummy, maybe I’ll be attracting unwanted attention and I’ll get lynched, crippling my team. So maybe the risk is not worth it.”

Of course, you might have figured that people like me might think like this, and make the claim to make it less likely to get votes. But you guys seem to play a lot, so maybe you can see through that?

Whatever. I’m gonna place a random vote at some point and hope for the best. What else can you do?

I shouldn’t be so pessimistic. I suppose people do give a bit of information here and there through their writing. Let’s see.