Chosen - GAME OVER

MS would be my first guess, though I’ve been trying to work out if Andres looks town just because newbie+eloquent since sometimes his actions leave me at a bit of a loss.
I still don’t really see Alisae as scum, and while North lurking is suspicious, I’d be super surprised if she opted into scum.

This is not a thing I knew. We’ve only played like once, not including secret alts, so expecting me to know how you feel about playing scum is a bit unlikely. I’m guessing you said this in tm somewhere (where?), but didn’t your team only get town role pms anyway?

looking forward to it, Addled Calf

why not?


what do you think you’re achieving with your vote on me? if i’m scum, you’re not doing a particularly great job of getting me lynched

if you think alisae is town, why aren’t you doing more to stop that lynch occurring?

Key, let me know where you are at a loss and I’ll be happy to explain what was running through my head. Generally speaking I’ve had wildly fluctuating reads on a few people because I’m not too eager to rule anything out. I think having screwed up with Katsuki has made me even more skeptical than I usually am.

Key townreading alisae is the fakest read I’ve ever seen

Key+alisae for sure

i refuse to believe that’s the absolute fakest read you’ve ever seen. ergo, i’m considering LAL right now



twice, and you’re in the discord

you and @northsidegal should be confirming my hatred for xcum btw

I dint have a computer rn so it’s hard but

and lying about me

this is probably the solve

it’s not some dastardly secret metal sonic tell btw

it’s my gut reaction and an angleshoot on his specific reaction to me subbing in

definitely not how I expected xcum ms to reply when xcum ms jumps at the chance to 1v1 me


im just going to break down where i stand right now

the teams im considering atm are basically eddie+MS, eddie+alisae, eddie+key, alisae+key

im ruling out alisae+MS because i dont think that’s likely based on interactions so far. i’m also ruling out key+MS for a similar reason

and i think alisae+key is probably less likely than you and MS seem to think it is, even if the alisae town-read is a little weird

you’ve got like… i dunno, 24ish hours (giving some breathing room because i dont want a deadline rush) to convince me why alisae+key is more likely than any other team (hint: the rest contain you). if you do happen to be town, then you’ll probably be better off working with me than against me. was hoping we’d have had a conversation or something today but i guess that didnt happen so whatever

sleep time now

LAL puts lynching alisae over your disbelief

Alisae actually lied


he was joking

lets see

ms jumps at the opportunity to 1v1 me and try and push me, he didnt do that

he knew exactly why I was vla and if he wanted to pocket me he could’ve said something but the way he responded to my absence makes that obvious

I dont knkw why he isnt affirming my hatred of being xcum. that’s the only doubt.

alisae has hosted with me and played with me enough to know I despise xcum so that’s bullshit

es also claimed picked scum and has been awk in gen

you are more likely than key with this trash chainsaw hedgy defense

but key is the only other option, nsg despises xcum and Andreas spews town

and even key dislikes scum but also enjoys it its complicated so its viable

keys a good player

ali / muffin / key always contains 2 scum, idk which the partner is

if ms is xcum hes really playing anti meta in a silly way

Eddie is town