I can just like, not vote or whatever. What are you gonna do? Hammer me?
Anyway, I was told to post more so I am. However I don’t want to spam the thread so if you want to talk to me, you’ll have to respond to me.
mafia breaks ties, so town not voting would be game-throwing.
Maybe he’s not town lmfao
@DS I think my biggest issue with this game that I can verbalize is the way you interact with my slot. It seems that you are attempting very hard to not give me a tr, and in fact put my in your scum pile. At the same time though, you interact with me like someone that you know is town.
figure 1: example of tmi
note. Here it seems that you suggested that if you are shot you will shoot me and tank your rating. In doing so you assume that I am town as shooting mafia with your shot would not lead to your a townie’s (which you are presenting yourself as) rating being tanked.
Another example, blocking me on discord seems to be something that you would do to somebody that read you wrong. However, you do not currently have my flip, so reacting that way to being pushed seems to be an inappropriate response with the information town!you would have right now. The alternative would be that you would block me for playing a scum game in which I push you which seems woat and childish.
It seems from analyzing your game that you are spending a ridiculous amount of effort whether that be through emotional attacks, shades, etc. to convince me to get off of you when at the same time you are suggesting that I’m in your scum pile. I would suggest that blocking me on discord is in a way you tmi’ing that I am town as you would have no reason to block a scum!m2h that successfully pushed you. That is, unless you want to argue that you are much more childish and unsportsmanlike than I would perceive you to be.
A few considerations that give me pause could be how chess suggested that ds and andres dead was “the best outcome, right?”, which may point to ds/andres town crossshooting each other being the end goal; however, that still leaves me the question of “why did the scum team not lynch town!ds who already said that he would shoot me earlier.” It seems that if we were both town, you should have been lynched seeing as how you would likely shoot me and end the game as a town loss, while Andres’ shot was much less set in stone. Another point could be Jake’s lack of activity. I haven’t played with him at all, but looking through his posts he seems to post much more in town games than he is doing here. It is really hard to clear somebody with eight one line posts, regardless of how much content there is on the other players in the game.
Hey guys, (bit of an overdue) reminder about On excessive AtE.
Discord etc. is obviously part of out of game relationship.
You do realize youve been pushing me as scum and attempted to get me to lynched yesterday after having a number of people agree that chess could be scum (which you were originally on yet decided to switch to me instead for some reason even though you were already on him and he has now flipped scum). Of course you are in a potential scum pile for me (seeing how its you and jake and I know that I am town). You created a 1v1 which kinda fucked up the day yesterady and we are still dealing with it now. I dont know if you are scum or not but I can definitely see the strategy behind pushing a 1v1 between scum and town where you can have chess tie it up, kill andres, have andres shoot the shot killing me and you win the game. Its the exact same scenario you are saying but flipped to be viewed from my pov. Its a solid strategy and exactly why I am weary of you.
So like, attempt to look past this flawed idea you have that I am scum and try and see things from my point of view. You made that into a one v one, and its still spilling over into today
From my POV Chess did not vote you with me, instead forcing the 2v2 onto Andres instead. He could have voted you and did not.
You aren’t addressing how you haven’t already slipped me town through figure 1 as well as blocking me on discord, as doing such seems to only make sense if I am town.
if my previous post wasn’t clear enough, stop talking about the discord stuff.

You aren’t addressing how you haven’t already slipped me town through figure 1 as well as blocking me on discord, as doing such seems to only make sense if I am town.
I don’t know your alignment, there’s no slip.
At that point I was more focused on the possibility of chess being scum than you and was rightfully pissed from what I saw as you carrying over emotions from the last time we played. I was going to shoot you for causing it, even if I thought the shot may be better served elsewhere.
Can you address Chess not voting you yesterday?
It seems that Chess was not expecting to die, and thus wanted to keep me from flipping on him.
Considering that you/jake was my team, he had no reason to antagonize me. Andres, who was not present at the time, would seem to be a smarter vote.

It seems that Chess was not expecting to die, and thus wanted to keep me from flipping on him.
You can see how it would look from my pov like he didn’t want to lynch his partner with Jake having not come in yet. He actually kept mentioning wanting to hear from jake also which doesn’t seem like something he would do with a partner who is afk

Considering that you/jake was my team, he had no reason to antagonize me. Andres, who was not present at the time, would seem to be a smarter vote.
How was me/Jake the team when you were originally voting Chess?
I hate low post players in end games ffs
I told you at some point when I was voting you that I thought you/jake was the most likely team configuration.
thus why would chess join a wagon against me and risk me switching on him when he could instead move to andres who was not present in the thread at that time.
After chess has already decided to vote Andres I believe