Vaping Mafia: Episode One - Planet of the Vapes [Game Over]

I’m going somewhere with this I promise this is difficult D:

Actually, yes, and more so over time. It’s the main reason I took a year and a half off playing mafia. I suffer from a bad case of “the perfect is the enemy of the good enough”. I hate being wrong. I hate being on a mislynch. There are an awful lot of games out there where I either didn’t get a vote down at all or I didn’t vote until the last 48 hours or so of a two week game day.

so we’re almost certainly looking at a team of {fairlylit, erika} or a team of {kts, nanook} right? like there’s no possibility I’ve missed?

KTS confirmed town or scum with Nanook
actually {ffery, Nanook} could be a thing I guess but given KTS claim I really doubt it

I’m pretty sure I would have let Nanook take the lead if we were scum together. I respect his scum game.

is there anyone Erika like 100% can’t be scum with?

also–what do you take from Nanook’s play here?

pretty much

@the_worst i dont remember specifically, but you had some posts that REALLY bugged me hence the n2 track.

it was prolly me half assing the d2 guilty

oh yeah it was that

to answer your question btw, erika could be scum with anyone.

from associations? That’s mostly not how I form reads, and it’s definitely not how I formed reads in this game. His play is almost as sparse as NM’s.

that’s kinda what I was feeling
gut still says Nanook>Erika thoo

His push on you on day 2 had a grain of realism that threw me off for a while, but going back through his day 1 and 2 the aggro was way overblown. I may have been the next-most-pissed person, but I take a done is done approach to stuff like that and focus on what I can learn from the quicklynch. It’s why I put most of my effort into interacting with Josh on Day 2. I came away from that thinking he was more likely town. When he hammered again, my initial reaction “oh god he IS scum”, but I felt like our discussion and my somewhat inconclusive conclusion was a good enough stake in the ground. Initially I was going to send vape flavor to Nanook on night 2, but I did a complete about face after another iso scan. My main effort as far as my night action was concerned was to avoid scum. I figured getting a vendor gift would set scum to looking for a tracker or watcher.

Which as it turns out would have been hilarious.

Just pointing out, because it’s obligstory for me to do so—judging someone as scum or not based on if they’re doing what you’d do or not is not an accurate (or fair!) way to form a read, but it IS a good way to hide one as scum.

nanook realistically only fits with me and erika, so he’s not crossing as many universes as erika even if you don’t believe my tracker claim.

It’s not a foolproof thing, no, and it’s more about mindset behind an action than about the action itself.

I don’t claim to be a god tier player, though I do take a little pride in my reads. If I’m wrong about either you or kts it will be a little mortifying because I am going all in on my sense of the game, and I have mod-info about the setup that no other townie has - that this game has at least three town PRs and that one of them is a fruit vendor. And in a setup this size, two synergistic PRs make sense with a near-throwaway. What does not make sense is those two PRs with a full tracker.

I’m tryna recapture the hopeless/disengaged feeling of D2 (which is also kinda skewed for me because I’m recovering from an injury so have been like sleepy and high off painkillers for a while) and like… the most voted/wagoned people from least to most were

== least ==
kts : no one
josh : kts
nanook : me
ffery : josh, nm
erika : nm, kts, me
me : kts, nanook, josh
nm : nanook, erika, kts, josh
== most ==

instinct is telling me that the gamestate wasn’t really consistent with any scum being wagoned. I’m kinda having a hard time analysing the votes on me for a change but it is kinda funny in hindsight that KTS told me off for going after lynchbaity Nannook/Erika then voted me for just plain ol not paying attention

in hindsight I actually don’t really feel like Josh rated his own vote on me all that highly

do both scum see me as an easy lynch for falling for the joke?
iirc Nanook was the one who called it an “obvious joke” when it clearly went over my head :laughing: but I don’t get the feeling anyone else actually fell for it

I posted an intent to hammer on NM, fwiw.