“I would try murder if it weren’t for punishment.”
Chess this isn’t what the topic is about and it’s unnecessary to be hostile with people here who don’t necessarily agree. Step away from this one for a bit yeah if you need to vent about go to the staff discord.
Hopefully you get I’m trying to say - there are people who would otherwise have tried out forum mafia here (and elsewhere) who declined because of it.
I usually don’t mind but don’t troll too much this topic plz.
I would think just switching it out is lower friction for users, especially those not used to the site, and gives them the alternative immediately instead of relying on them to use it themselves. For example with Elo, it just resulted in people dodging the filter instead of using an alternative.
@Kiymali_Pide köpeciğin efsoduyar’ından 1000 kat daha iyi bu efsoduyar
köpeciğinki gereksizdi, bu çok mantıklı, sansür var diye sinirlenen insanlar herhalde zencilere ırkçı söylemlere de izin olmasını desteklerler bu mantıkla
It’s going to be harder to get people to transition from other forums to here because of dialect we use than it would be to get people to join at all.
We’re making the choice to focus a lot more on people who don’t play already vs. people who are already ingrained somewhere else. Rather grow the set of people who play mafia than just move what site people are already playing mafia on.
Your post contains a word that’s not allowed:
If you give up the option to turn the auto-replace off, I’ll reconsider.
I mean you just implied I was from a culture of oppressors because my opinion disagreed with yours, when my people were oppressed by England for centuries, my grandparents lived in London during a time when they weren’t allowed into certain institutes because they were Irish.
My grandmother had all her teeth pulled by an English dentist in case she came back, instead of just getting a filling.
Btw Irish people were also lynched, some say lynching originated in Ireland (though that’s up for debate). Lynching happened a lot of places, it’s a bad thing yes but so is killing and many other things. Guillotine, one of the new suggested words is taken from the historical bloodiest oppressive period in France.
Guillotine probably isn’t the best choice out of the set. Sorry for what happened to your family dusk.
Look the main reasoning behind the change is that we think it’s an easy to thing to do that would increase forum mafia’s popularity/exposure to people who don’t play it yet. I don’t think it “takes away” that much from the game to make this change other than it being what people are used to and there’s a potential large upside.
Blood eagle
But yes, in general if there are other things that y’all think would make more people interested in mafia without really taking away from it then I’m all ears. (Message me, not for this topic). This particular thing is something that we believe squarely falls into that category while also being fairly straightforward to implement.
If anybody cares about my opinion, here is what I think. I very much understand what you guys are trying to do, and it’s a difficult balancing act. At the end of the day, if this fosters a more inclusive community, then I’m all for it. I just think that encouragement is more powerful than outright banning in this case - let’s just say that I have very strong feelings against both racism and authoritarianism.
My personal experience playing Mafia is exclusively on this site, and I only used the word because other people were using it without ever much paying attention to the pain that it might cause. So I am committed to using a different term from now on (kill seems rather neutral to me). I encourage others not to have to wait for a software update to change their language in ways that are more inclusive. Banning however can have other effects, and it might not force the sort of engagement that a conversation does.
Yeah I appreciate the point you, @DS, @GTacc and a few others have made about more effective ways to get the change across.
Okay let’s drop the software solution for now and see how this goes:
I would appreciate if we as a community picked some alternative and encouraged people to use it. I do however think it’d inappropriate if someone just kept using it on purpose in this case - there’s a clear difference between "oops did that because I was used to it but trying to change it " vs. “I refuse to change”.
On the choice of change itself: Kill is a bit ambiguous because of the night kill and day kill is unfortunately “taken” by the…day kill.
Just ban the word, auto replace.
As dusk pointed out, I don’t view it as a word that should be associated to oppression of any one group… Though I guess it is historically associated to oppression in general, but what form of killing isn’t? So yeah, I think it’s a bit silly because there other more direct references are permitted, but I actually don’t care either way.
I’ve said this to you and others before but please send these to me!
But in general I’m not really here to judge the rationale. I think it’s obvious with a little research that lynching is significantly more charged than some more generic word like murder/kill/execute.
To be honest I think we should be using another word for it auto replacement should be done. That word it not a really fucking big deal but when we have better alternatives for everyone like execute, common sense says we should be using new word. I don’t like censorship but this shouldn’t but autoreplacing it shouldn’t be considered as a big deal because it is for the sake of not telling the newbies" we don’t use lynch word here" again and again, also we are not like autoreplacing the word in real life Great 451 Republic, this is just a game for fun and it will make it fun for more people, and seriously, having it won’t change anything in my life, it won’t make me supress my freedom thoughts.
The elo stuff was annoying and we all properly rebelled there that was good to see