Token Power 4: Purity Mafia | Game Over - Town Win

No being tracked doesnt make them town
It’s possible but that is a reach in logic.
You have to take a leap of faith to reach that conclusion.

Who’s Seth’s partner then, if he is scum?

There is definitely one scum between these two.
I doubt they are scum together because this would be a bad play in Lylo if they were.
So mafia cannot pile on the lynch and are relying on town.

If I were claim vig I probably would’ve just claimed that lol

@Andresvmb can presumably confirm I sent him an envelope

It cannot be Nanook otherwise one of them would be dead. Given how this day has played out, I would say it’s likely that it is Logic. But I don’t really know to be honest.

Eh I guess he probably wouldn’t if he’s mafia


Two things.

Are you a Claim Vig?

Do you accept that at the moment only one of you, me and logic can possibly be scum?

No, I already claimed envelope guy

Yes I think I’ve been really fucking clear that I think seth Andres is t/w, which by default means there’s a mafia in you and logic as well

OK good. Why choose Andres to send a letter to?

I thought him not voting dab D1 was super townie for him, Andres as scum like to kill town so him being off TK read as pretty townie to me

Nanook, wasn’t that mainly due to him not even being around at the time of the pile on?

@Andresvmb What did Nanook talk to you about? Nanook, you’re not allowed to answer this.

In this supposed envelope I didn’t receive? I have no idea.

What do you think? Also, misdirecting me.

That isn’t how the envelope works


VOTE: Andres

Then how does it work?

Writing is a separate action from sending

Once per game, as a Night action, you may target another player. Write a 280-or-fewer character message on the inside of this Envelope, then seal the Envelope and pass it to that player.

@LogicoftheVI @ScarletCelestial if Andres is town hammer and we can move on plz

It looks to me as if sending is the same as writing.