Token Power 4: Purity Mafia | Game Over - Town Win

C’mon Scarlet think of the odds here. Would you have chosen me as the Target? I really don’t think so. Why did Seth finish the Day so early?

So you’re claiming commuter

Wow this post feels so scummy. Andres everything you’re saying has not in any way contradicted the claim made by Seth.

You say you’re Bus Driver who switched Nanook and Seth, but that doesn’t make sense in the context of the Tracker claim. It means there’s no reason as to why he couldn’t have tracked you other than a possible use of the false claim.

Who would you have chosen tho and why?

Being tracker doesn’t make him town yeah? Like if he’s scum tracker he just lies about his target, no?

It IS a false claim. It’s the most convenient one too. Oh I Tracked you to the dead person, so you’re Scum game over.

I honestly ended then night phase thinking of a likely andres/Nanook team.

I’m not saying that’s the case, I’m just playing devils advocate :woman_shrugging:

Congratulations you’re wrong, would you like a cookie?

We shouldn’t be killing Andre, I don’t think but we’re stuck in it now. There’s a higher than rand chance of Nanook being a Claim Vig, and in that case there’s also the possibility of them being scum aligned claim Vig.

Anyways I have stuff to do, will see what goes down later!

Seth looks like great mislynch bait during to the locking of the vote but he would have to be a very confident mafia to lock the lynch early and think he would get away Scott free day 2?

Funny enough I would not have Tracked Seth only because his vote to lynch was so bad that I didn’t think he would have done the NK. To be honest I would have tracked Nanook. Which is why I used my ability on him.

Yes but you redirected him into me

But… that also suggests you thought that harmful actions would’ve potentially gone to Seth? Which to me it doesn’t sound like you thought that happened.

Dude I’m not talking to you you’re Scum.

Well Srceen is dead yes? So clearly it didn’t happen.

Oh it says Town.
I thought red meant mafia.


I did too I based so much of the stuff based on what I thought he flipped as. Osie accidentally inserted a derp test lol.