Token Power 4: Purity Mafia | Game Over - Town Win

That’s your own ridiculous claim.

Well if Seth is wrong Town then scum would just jump onto it because we’re in LYLO with no ability for him to move a vote, resulting in an easy majority.

Don’t forget that Osie gave scum the leftover role to claim as well.

Must be because your mafia fake claim.

So he’s Scum. I thought that was pretty obvious.

Apparently you onto me.

I mean he can’t be wrong Town given claims, yeah?

Plus you and I are in thread and neither of us is jumping, so…:stuck_out_tongue:

VOTE: SeththeKing

@Andresvmb you’re saying you swapped me and Seth, yeah? So things targeting me would hit Seth and vise versa?

I find it hard to believe that the 1-Shot Tracker decided that I was the best target in this game given how the lynch went down. But that’s just me.

No buddy.
Your the scum.

If I was scum I wouldn’t have hammered my own mafia member.
I know better then that.
If I voted my mafia member I would have led the lynch on them or put a solid case out.

Answer this Andres.
Don’t be a bitch.

Well there’s still logic who exists, and in all honesty I think he’s more likely Town than you are.

…what mafia member do you think got hammered?

Yes that is correct.

Votes are locked, if me and logic or if you and logic were the team the pile on would’ve already started lol

@ScarletCelestial @LogicoftheVI are either of you the bread maker, and more importantly, did either of you give bread to me or Seth?

True. 1 vs 1 at this point then. At least one scum in them. (There’s still the possibility that Seth is throwing Andres under the bus to survive 3 person LYLO.)

Tbh I was TRing Andres quite a bit after D1, so Seth has a bit of an uphill battle. I do kinda like this claim tho

Sure, that’s possible, I think pretty unnecessary tho. I’m inclined to say 1 town 1 scum and you or logic as the second

I am not the breadmaker.
I so believe I know who they are.
I do for certain one person who did not make the NK last night.