Ranked 5v2

My biggest hang up with the setup was maybe related to that - now that I think about it, my guess is that the maximum amount of votes allowed at the end is 2.

Which would be equivalent to having 4 votes D1. So if we only TK’ed one player, then tomorrow the maximum amount of votes is probably 3.

i will likely try when i get home tonight. friends birthday in 40 mins.

From speaking to the Mod, I think the formula also relates to the amount of mistakes that would lead to a Town loss. So the number of votes is not entirely straightforward. I would suggest a public discussion about the amount of votes per day would be valuable.

I don’t mean you. I mean amongst us.

O that makes sense yes if it was 1 scum 4 town u only get 2 votes

and if its 2 scum 3 town u get 1

By that logic tho shouldn’t we get 3 today not 4 cuz 3 loses if all T?

every time I think about this it makes less sense

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Nvm it makes sense

I will trust mathematicians on this one

VOTE: jakethewolfie
VOTE: Andresvmb
VOTE: Chesskid3
VOTE: Nanook

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VOTE: Andresvmb

Why jake?

trying 4 DKDK’S?

Again, how is this differing from a normal game?

What happens if there is a 5+ way tie?

The Scum decide probably.

Actually the rules don’t explicitly state this. It could be the case that all 5 players die.

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