Ranked 2v7

  1. what is this setup
  2. forget what I said, when will this start

Because I decided encouraging non-probabilistic sabotage was undesirable.

  1. Marked for Death: Marked for Death
  2. After we have 8

Iā€™m getting penalized quite harshly over a game that I couldnā€™t play the half of and was actually okay in. I donā€™t want to be overly dismissive of these rankings, but they rely on what, 3 games? I donā€™t think anybody sees them as representative yet. Once everybody has like 40+ games played under this system, then we can judge more accurately. For now, I wouldnā€™t take them so seriously.

But why did you decide it was undesirable?

Also @Ellibereth if you can please guarantee that I wonā€™t get picked as Scum I would appreciate it.


Because I get to make the choice on what behaviors the system should be encouraging and discouraging.

Letā€™s stop having this conversation. Thanks.

I deserve one I play gr8

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I think theyā€™ll start getting fairly representative at the early-mid double digits.
But yeah, right now things are still fairly unstable because of sample size, no player has more than 4 games.

Itā€™s 3 am, will fire tmrw.

How many players regularly play on this site?

21 have played at least 3 games in the last 3 month. Once the game history stuff is a little more functional and the new ui is up for long enough to catch the larger bugs Iā€™ll be investing a fair amount of my free time on advertising/outreach and there will likely be promotions with some $$ involved so hopefully that goes up.

We were originally planning to be where we are now a few months ago but key and I both (unfortunately?) have had quite a lot of work.

Whatever the sample size is I have to say itā€™s the perfect amount :+1:

1800 class B player

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Still first tho

nanook im coming for your spot buddy


Iā€™ve been playing unranked the whole time.

I wonder, did Nanook have a perfect win streak?

Do mafia earn more points for winning than for town (it should be harder to win as mafia)

IIRC I have two mafia wins a first place town in a town loss and a second place town in a town win. Or something close to that.

Basically used (avg_rating - player_rating)*scaling_constant + player_rating + placement_constant with the exception of corner cases for certain placements that would only result from a wide player_rating range (e.g. first place should always gain at least 1).

Writing this all out now that itā€™s figured out, but Iā€™ve been called to dinner.

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