MHA Mafia Game Thread - Game Over

@darth_tabor give me what flavor claim this is

Take it up with Luxy

Is there any, like, red and blue half-and-half guy

this is also super OMGUSy!! why is everyone in this game just OMGUSing!!

I’m omgusing :man_shrugging:


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this just in

actually playing the game and trying to solve people’s alignments is toxic


I looked it up and theres a guy that can use fire and ice

Doggo got extremely confrontational in that game against Nanook, Chess and me, and he was Scum and we were all Town. You can go check it out.

I’m not saying that it 100% clears them. Regardless of flavor, it’s a bad play to claim this early. However, based on the flavor and the fact that there are clear mechanics that could be associated with Bakugo’s character, I believe this claim to be real.

There is also the perspective that someone would only make a play like this if they had guaranteed security (i.e.e fakeclaim), which I find unlikely but am willing to entertain.

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shoto Todoroki, a fire-and ice guy

sounds like it

Does he use poetry or some shit

Does he poem

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the set-up of the game was that alignments, roles, and “modifiers” could all roll separately, and one rollable modifier was Miller, so he rolled Mafia for his alignment and miller as a modifier

the set-up also had a modifier cop, who he got to check him and confirm him as miller

if you really want I can try to find the thread? I wasn’t actually in the game but I read through it later

I skimmed through a little bit but he actually was being confrontational while actually doing something in that game

Here’s he’s being confrontational without actually, you know, being useful

no he’s like

very cold and reserved

based on the wikia page I don’t think this guy would speak, first of all

Are you sure he doesn’t have a hot-tempered side :stuck_out_tongue:

That doesn’t make it better does it? Hahaha again, I genuinely think Doggo’s character claim deserves to get him at least to tomorrow, but I did want to make clear that some of his posts remind me of something I’ve seen before that’s all.

dude be careful you might burn his face and leave a mark with those words

Ngl, this sure sounds like something you should be investigating yourself.

Actually wait. Idk. This doesn’t seem right from any perspective. Why are you trying to out this soft?