The setup’s fairly intricate and I’d be happy to talk about it here. In the process of sketching up a blurb on it to make it easier to understand for people from forum mafia. Make sure to read all the roles! They do different things than what you might expect.
If you’re at all interested in playing please let me know!
Even if you’re not playing I hope you guys tune in to watch because I’ll be playing and making a fool of myself. I played in a practice session last week…let’s just say my forum skillset wasn’t at all transferable.
I’ve talked a bunch with the founders of Liars Club and we may collaborate more in the future. They’re both lovely people who share our goal of growing mafia’s popularity and they’re going to put on a great show.
@activatedalien Do you have the dates and times for the remaining test/practice sessions?
My understanding is that anyone on the fence about the committing to the whole league or who just only has time for a one off thing are welcome to those.
Important thing I forgot: Players have to be 18 or older. I’ll add this to the OP. #freesheep
Just need to be available for two games so that works!
I’ll ping you when I know the dates for non-Sunday test sessions.
The prevailing notion on forums that role-lite, two-alignment setups where every alignment has an equal chance of winning are the standard for competitive/balanced games is
probably already not true on its own.
almost certainly not true for quicker video games that can afford a much larger sample size.
The founders of the league have run thousands of simulations for each of the various starting states.
The people running Liars Club are aware of the clash their game philosophy has with the majority of current forum mafia players. We’ll be recording a video discussion soon and the setup in particular along with their general setup/balance philosophy will definitely be topics that are highlighted.
I’m of the opinion that 3rd party requires a different skillset than groupscum, so I don’t mind that getting thrown into the mix.
Randomly changing players’ win conditions is almost certainly as bastard as you can get, though.