Kebap Mafia - Endgame

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Iā€™m quite dismayed how Seth got two scum right on his first reaction test, but because his reaction test was so bad he actually ā€œclearedā€ doggo instead laterā€¦

Alright Iā€™m supposed to have quit mafia but Iā€™ll make a special exception just for you.

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He did the same thing with Urist in another game

you would have loved the last starv game lol
presidential mafia was hilarious

Still not a vig

He was in that I think?

shows how much attention I was paying

Yeah reaction tests donā€™t work

You were scumā€¦

My presidential mafia or his

I was on a plane too.
and then the actions resolved for scum a second after i texted key i landed


I know right? Urist mentioned it this game. That was hella funny.

Seriously man @Seththeking stop with the ā€œreaction testsā€ they suck. You clearly have potential so if you cut those counterproductive and faulty ā€œtestsā€ off you could be a really strong player.

Idea: A game where anyone can openly PM any other person, even out of game.

Also mafia get fake role PMS so you can totally share your role PM as a direct screenshot


It was 15p, why would you assume 3 mafia?

Screenshot means mod has to send two separate role PMs to mafia, cause you can tell if itā€™s the top of the thread or not.

Otherwise idk, seems like a fine troll game?

You just send them a filler message (Identical between Mafia chats and role PM. Or even better, choose some people to be fake mafia to royally screw them over for trying to use their filler message as a townfirm) then send a role PM as the next message, and do that for every Mafia member

Even better, edit html like a 1337 h4xx0r

I mean itā€™s relatively trivial to photoshop a fake, but seems more fair to just give Mafia a second role pm they can screen cap than to send everyone in the game a filler message lol