IPick Triumvirate

FYI, goalkeeperboss said that he was trying to keep a low profile, and he also later claimed VT… Isn’t that odd?

I’m also not inclined to believe that he’s “basically VT” because he has a named role :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

oh yeah i didn’t read this

uh i mean that seems consistent, assuming the vt claim is fake

Right, because from his PoV, I could be mafia.

should we just lynch andres


@Nanook are you on board?

I think Andres and Doggoplays are both viable options if we’re going outside of PT.

Yeah I’m on board

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Just so we’re clear, we’re treating me as confirmed town right?

I just want to know if we’re discussing in good faith or not.

You’re the worat


Yep. This site is the worst actually. Elli basically failed to deliver a usable mobile interface. What a joke.

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What are you talking about then, being in both pts?

I wouldn’t have replied to your comment in the thread if I had received a notification!!!

I’m confirmed in 2 non scum PTs. Like it doesn’t make sense for scum to also have 2 non-scum PTs, do you guys also have another non-scum PT? I’m guessing not?

Anyway I’ve been assuming you’re town, otherwise I’d not have suggested giving the chess winner all my money… if you’re scum then the plan basically lets you win

Who’s asking

My god… The search for a Tim Hortons is insufferable.

“I want a coffee can we stop at Tim Hortons”

Me: “ok”

“Aww it’s closed, I’m so upset. Where is the next one?”

Me: “just get something at the gas station”

“No, I want Tim Hortons”

-> next Tim Hortons also closed

“Oh my god, why are they all closed… I’m so upset”

Me: “you can get something at the gas station”

“Do you think the Universe is telling is we shouldn’t go to Tim Hortons?”

Me: “No, that’s what I’m telling you.”

“Ok, if the universe isn’t talking to us, then we’ll go to the next Tim Horton, I think there is one in Rigaud”

-> next Tim Hortons also closed

“Oh my god, why are they doing this to me? How can they all be closed… I’m sooooo thirsty.”

Me: “shoulda got something at the gas station”

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I can’t say I can remember ever having a craving for Tim Hortons as an adult (I mean, even their doughnuts are kind of gross).