There’s been a lot of bad games for Town lately.
yeah people are just banishing randoms for no real reason. kiymali in the Totally Normal Game, banana here.
naz was banished because all 4 town were voting in different places, which is ridiculous.
banana self-hammering is terrible for town as well obviously.
are people just burnt out? i know i am, this summer’s been tough.
I firmly think that banana was not voted out at random without reason…
I thought naz was Town and was voting for Scum. I can’t say I take a lot of responsibility for that one hahaha
But yeah I mean Banana was siding with Srceen which was bad and then they self-hammered.
What is it with me being SR so consistently lately as Town? I don’t get it.
was more a commentary on the town playing poorly as a whole. letting someone get executed with 2 votes when there are 6 alive is just… meh.
VOTE: Srceenplay
low effort vote
Yeah no agreed. I think we need to make an effort to organize a slightly bigger game (11+) with not too many complicated mechanics and maybe you’ll get a more decent effort?
Votecount as of post #356
Andresvmb (3): Srceenplay, sabie12, DoggoPlays
Srceenplay (1): Andresvmb
Not Voting (1): JakeTheWolfie
Andres was town, screen/doggo/erika was the team and they win, gg
Ime more mechanics usually means more engagement due to people figuring out mechanics
Also our postgame policy:
Just not overly Complicated!
that game had almost 1300 posts sooooo
And it was literally unwinnable for Town, despite every Town voting correctly every time. Go figure!
I mean outside of the Colors Game, Town have lost 4 straight.
one town killed themselves on purpose and another never showed up and was effectively modkilled, pretty sure that’s why it was unwinnable.
I had a hard time deciding and I’m going through a lot of IRL stress but I know ATE is banned here so like I had to just keep moving forward sorry for picking losing the game.
That’s supposed to say picking wrong and losing the game
Nah it’s alright. I’m sorry to hear about your RL stress - that’s never fun.