Grey Flag Nightless

@Andresvmb can you give me your best case why it isn’t you?

Trying to read the last few pages of sabie’s scum game now, then I’m isoing screen

I don’t think I would have shown so little interest in voting between you and naz if I was Scum (and assuming you’re Town). If you’re my Partner, I probably vote for naz and make some sort of case. If you’re both Town, then I leave my options open, and maybe push one or let it happen organically. Why focus attention away? I probably don’t do that.

Voting for Erika is not that hard as Scum I agree because Elli’s kiss of death is still a thing around these parts. But Srceen for example tried to build a wagon on me and away from Erika immediately following my vote. What I don’t fully understand is why sabie would bus there. I suppose that if both sabie and Srceen say vote for me and then I flip Town, Erika dies anyway the next day, and then you focus completely on the players on my wagon. I would imagine. But that one is bugging me and I don’t know.

I don’t think there’s any world where screen and andres are partners here… going to spend a few minutes trying to find plausible partner combos.

Andres possible partners: jake, sabie
Screen possible partners: sabie… and jake if you think the early day 1 stuff was theater but idk
Sabie possible partners: andres, screen, maaaaybe jake
Jake possible partners: sabie, screen, andres

If we choose to listen to Elli’s read and ignore Jake as a possibility, then Andres/Sabie and Screen/Sabie are the only options.

Partner equity is suggesting that Sabie is the best vote, but my stomach just churns at that because I do think the timing of a number of Sabie’s posts looks very towny, and in the one scum game she linked her biggest tell as scum was having poor timing and then using basically strawman arguments to excuse her poor timing without excusing the decisions made themselves. Idk, the other thing though is her scum game she was getting pressure for that poor timing and her reactions to that pressure then became her biggest tell, and this game I feel like she hasn’t had a lot of pressure so the tells might just be harder to see x.x

everyone ready?


Can you react to what I wrote?


I’m curious why you think I’m compatible as partners with anyone here. If I had a team I’d probably be a bit more sure about anything that’s been going on and a bit more proactive about voting or making cases.
The reason I thought srceen and Andres was because they both voted each other and let naz get killed off. If they knew naz was town they let him killed but they dodnt have votes on him. It probably isn’t that but that was my thought process there.
I think jake and Andres are more compatible as teammates though.

Okay I’m not going to be around for the next few hours and it would be game throwing if I didn’t vote, so I am going to have to do it sooner rather than later.

@DoggoPlays I would like to see some reaction to my response as to why I think others shouldn’t perceive me as Scum.

But why are Srceen and I somehow responsible for naz’s death, when Doggo and Jake both actively voted there. Like I don’t think this is particularly strong logic. We didn’t let naz get killed. Doggo and Jake actively voted for naz, resulting in their death.

I thought naz was Town and felt like Doggo’s tunneling there was silly, but more indicative of Town Doggo than anything for responding so directly to naz’s provocation.

#237 should be somewhat helpful in establishing how I felt about naz v. Doggo.

You all have exactly 5 minutes before I put a vote down.

Alright well here goes nothing.

VOTE: Srceenplay

Actually I’m remembering it incorrectly. It was Banana who tried to build a wagon on me. I don’t know why I kept thinking it was Srceen. I think what stuck me about Srceen is that he ridiculed what I called my choice between two because I gathered more votes at the end of D1, but at the time my choice was between Srceen and Erika.

Is anybody there?

VOTE: andres