Forging of the Rings - Over!

The ring redirects any actions targeting you to target a player of your choosing. If it’s an investigation, then I think it’s made clear that the result is on the other player.

ok that’s fine.

Do you have any powers / rings that might fail??

I’m so confused why this would be a thing… Given the ring that you passed off.

It’s not applicable to any rings I’ve encountered / know about, so I think it’s… Odd. To say the least.

I think we should just mass claim rings at this point tbh

maybe not the one you gave me tho

I literally read my role pm and thought “welp just gonna be vanilla town for rest of the game”

All of my rings were blatantly scum sided

No clue about my passive

should massclaim ring order be like



I’ve partly claimed, so I should go after Dan. Other than that, no complaints.

Dan already pretty much full claimed tbh

No he didn’t. You might know what he has and what rings he’s received. I have no clue.

Besides the voting ring that he received, I don’t have any sense of what rings he has. He’s claimed that he’s received a few from others, but I don’t have any insight into that.

The very fact that I can vouch for his claim means that he should go last.

It’s not like he can change his claim based on what he sees.

Does he only have rings that you’ve sent? Remind me.

Because to start the game he claimed to have 3 rings.

Oh, the exact ring count I’m not sure, but the passive I know.

ya i lied about that. I started game with only 1 ring

Yeah I figured you weren’t being all that truthful about that. My point still stands.

I have made full claims about 2 rings throughout the game, and an action. I have a third ring. Still, I don’t care if you’re not super sold about my alignment - from a claims point of view, I should go near the end.