Deep Space 9 Mafia - Game Over!

what if josh isnt 3rd party… he’s MAFIA

i hold him responsible for trying to mislynch me harder than cabd (who was being useless to his team)

it was probably josh’s idea to come up with such a stunt

Ppl aren’t arguing that Josh is 3p. They’re wondering allowed.


Andres you become tense/upset whenever there’s brief mention of your lynch or to votes on you. Just frustration?

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It’s me trying to work through balancing claims.
We know there was a Mafia Goon and a Mafia 2-shot Roleblocker. To me that leaves 1 left.

  • I’m a Miller so I’d expect both a Mafia Godfather and a Town Cop. But given other claims I’d expect Mafia to still have some other power role(s). I’m also a 2-shot BG,
  • and MS claims some super Town power that may or may not be attached to Urist. And is claiming to have been sleepwalked again, AFTER the Mafia Roleblocker is gone.
  • Urist is however claimng to be a racecop, which makes little sense to me at all (but then neither does a Miller without an Alignment Cop). AND, he’s claiming he was blocked N1 (I guess without any flavour message, and certainly not sleepwalking).
  • Screen is claiming a new guilty read and an Investigative-attached Doc, who I’d expected to be dead today from his hard claim yesterday, and that he and his target Andres were “NI” last night (whatever that means - he thinks HE was indeed targeted out that it failed, which makes some sense, or not (Urist found it laughable/possessor-like)).
  • Josh is claiming an Object Finder (Thief/Swaper) that gains some power when finding what he needs (which you think might actually be like a Traitor or Lost Wolf thing),
  • and Judge is confirming her bauble was taken.
  • cats claims VT, sort of, because he seems to be in control of the Orb/Neighbouriser thing (though maybe not, since it’s proven to be an Orb fragment thing with others). THAT’s where I think a second Indie fits balance-wise.
  • But then Andres claims to need to collect all the fragments? (an Orb Collector/Thief/Emissary), and he mentions being “aligned with the Wormhole Entities”, nowhere listed in the Sample Role PM, but claimg those are the Prophets.
  • You claim VT.

All of those claims can’t be true. But there’s a likelihood one is more false than all others, due to the likelihood of there being 1 mafia left.

If it’s just 1 mafia left, and odds are good that’s true, the last mafia has to be more than a Thief/Swapperer. Or even, imo, whatever Josh becomes when he finds what he needs.

well, i dont know why im sleepwalking again. is scum doing? is a 3p doing it? is there some secret additional part to my role that the GM deliberately kept hidden from me?

ffery suggested I go to a sick bay to get my sleepwalking case checked out. does anyone own a sick bay here?

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I PMed ffery to let me go to the sick bay but there was no response. maybe it’s closed because it was too early in the morning?

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My character on the show is a tailor. I guess I could construct a straightjacket and thether that to your bed, but then that would only be like jailing you. Maybe I could make a jingly jacket with bells that makes a lot of noise when it moves, to wake you up? But they say it’s NOT a good idea to wake a sleepwalker. I wonder if my skills could construct an invisiblating cloak, so no one could see you at night?

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^ For any humourless players, the above post is meant as a joke.

No I’m not.
I am no type of investigation role

You singlehandedly paused the Josh wagon with this:

It was a joke.

your bad jokes alone are enough reason to lynch you, literally and figuratively


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The sheep who cried “wolf”. :nod:

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I don’t get upset about a decent rationale for voting me. If it helps the Team win, frankly I’m totally fine with that. But if you’re going to make a case against me, make it. If you’re saying I’m on your shortlist, then you must have reasons for that. Otherwise, it’s not helpful. And you backing down whenever I ask why also makes me suspicious.

I’m not backing down… ?

Just haven’t wanted to type too much on mobile re screenplay vote. Can later