Brass & Shrapnel Mafia - Game Over!

This is a shitty idea. “Let’s tell scum where they can safely NK, that’s a good plan!”

Mild scumread. If I could figure out how to vote from my phone I’d be voting for you right now.

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Another benefit is that it forces scum to commit to a claim early, before they see what’s a believable claim later numbers-wise.

you can do what ive been doing and bold your vote lmao (double asterisks between whatever you’re typing in

tbh i dont think most people try to lie about setup spec as scum so i dont think muffin would be scum for proposing a plan you feel is bad (i’m not even sure it’s bad? i agree the anti-town utility in general for a bomb is worse than the pro-town BUT if someone like creature or nsg or whatever obvtowns exist in your homesite rolled bomb then i wouldn’t want them to be forced to claim bomb since they’re not getting vigged anyway)

the wagon’s otherwise a good pick

holy shit i’m so stupid vote tags are literally the same as in ms here LMFAO

[vote]who you want to vote[/vote]

works as well as bolding

cant get back to sleep

if we mass-claim, do it in this order yeah. mass-claim is prob a good idea D1 anyway

super-saint claims don’t save scum - it makes people less inclined to want to hammer, yes, but in this setup you should be forcing someone that doesn’t look town to hammer anyone

i did the maths on this before i thought of it

there’s a 33/64 chance there are 0-1 bombs in this setup (roughly 50/50, 31/64 there are 2+) - odds are decent that scum have almost nothing to fear from bombs and we’re more likely to lynch them or vig them accidentally (bad - and looking at previous times this has run, multiple town deaths N1 including bombs is not an unlikely occurrence). otoh, it’s a good fake-claim because it makes people hesitant to vig

there’s minor protown utility in keeping bombs hidden, but given the odds of having a higher number of real (non-blank) vigs is better than the odds of having a higher number of real bombs, it’s generally better for town to have them claim

anywho, i’m not sure why you are so opposed to this idea and not the idea of outright mass-claiming that’s being discussed. or why you think i’d draw attention to myself in this way if i were scum

oh and it’s also a good fake-claim because it gives them an excuse for being alive later. e.g. if elli is scum, he was probably almost certainly going to claim bomb before i said this

im also from playdip and this is my first game off site you will learn that my gameplay is rather odd so I pre apologize for that… ill be trying to contribute atleast an hour a day to this game while im alive…

id frankly be ok with this although revealing with still some amount of day left to figure out all mechanical data points on claims would also be benefitial ergo have 24 hours left before end of day after last person claims…

I might also wanna ping out that it might be a good idea for bombs to claim? I mean doing so would prevent any mishaps if a town vig that isn’t shooting blanks accidently targets a bomb and dies as that could be very detrimental to the town…

while at the same time if bombs did claim out right if a mafia member shot them and survived it would confirm they have a doctor… if they don’t have a doctor then that would essentially allow the few bombs to not be night killed and depending on how many bombs there actually are in the game it might be able to win it for us period… if there are 2 bombs all we need is 1 confirmed town and the three remaining town could take it down to last 2 mafia and still win…

while if we have too many bombs (as mentioned by fferylit (muffins>cupcakes)) we can simply kill the scummiest… however ill disagree that bombs are anti town as they are not they win with the town hence why them claiming out right would be most benefitial to town explained above…

just thoughts on the game to start still trying to catch up…

on a side note this is pure gut based no real read and it could just be I know no ones playstyle except nooks here but my current scum read is [vote]josh[/vote.] (yes I messed that up on purpose its more or less a place holder for later im not a fan of the vote early vote often thing)

that’s a good point (about elli esp), was unsure if ss claims were going to be autolynches-without-creature-tier-meta (was leaning on yes since most of the table is not shit and/or new but whomst knows). i thought maybe people arguing over who hammers a scum lynch could be like a good way to deflect attention or something but yeah that doesnt exactly work in the long term lmfao…

how about we bomb/no bomb claim 24 hours after all slots have posted…? that should be enough time to get baseline reads on people

Dominic can you talk to me a little bit about what’s pinging your gut about Josh? I’m like sliiiiiiightly leaning town on him but I don’t really have a good reason for it + he’s more than capable of pocketing me

fyi my day 1 game play is crap its usually on day 2 that I start making my mega posts if you will and can generally id people seeing as how as I stated im not used to anyones play style that might throw me off…

Don’t worry Dom, this is a good table so if you’re town we’ll probably see through it ^_^

VC 1-2

_fferyllt: 2 (brassherald, KatyushaGB)

Not Voting: 9 (Ellibereth, Katsuki, _fferyllt, Myloninja13, Josh, dwiltse1114, Nanook)

With 9 alive it takes 5 to lynch

Deadline: June 13, 2018 6:00 AM (Europe: Paris), June 12, 2018 9:00 PM (America: Los Angeles)

mafia have either a doc or an rb each night lol

nice edit loser

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ellis an easy read anyways

getting to it (again can chalk it up to my not knowing game styles over here) but what I got his first 2 posts struck me personaly as weird

post 1 he claims town when completely unnecessary everyone in the game will claim town even scum which makes claiming town completely pointless…

2 he town reads “giga”? (im assuming this is you but I could be wrong) again nothing really blantent to go on and the simple fact of town reading someone after only 8 other posts (1 being him) were made and no real actual gameplay other then a random vote and _ff stating they are a handsom smart and cool day vig no scum hunting or gameplay happening at that point so no reason to town or scum read anyone by that point…

3 not really getting or understanding the whole alliance bs you guys were talking about but on post 39 he flat out says someone is town and how would he know that unless he was scum

4 mass claiming is meh I personally like that whole claim bomber or no bomber thing simply because if there is no bombers we don’t want to give scum our vigis right off the bat let them hide in with the ss

5 hes really adamant about a mass claim which again I don’t personally agree with after reading through everything… the following quote from him got me to…

he slat out says in the bolded mass claiming doesn’t confirm town I agree with this and it could just be a pin for later but it could also just be a way so the scum have all the info…

If this is a full on scum read, why are you being a wimp and not voting? Your explanation before makes no sense to me.

Man up and vote.

Like this: VOTE: dominic

Bad vote :confused:

Gonna talk to him when I’m home can’t respond to Wall rn but I’ve read it

Ugh… I wanted a pressure vote to make a man out of him, but now you’re ruining it.

Somehow I’ll make a man out of him.

VOTE: Muffins

Back to the vote here.

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not really a bad vote on principle, people dont learn if you let them make bad cases unpunished

but hes null or nulltown, so not a good vote either

it’s a whelming vote

good luck I vote towards end of day period I don’t vote early and often