Brass & Shrapnel Mafia - Game Over!

Also for clarity I meant that I was shocked Josh felt I was out of my scumrange I saw the typo and forgot to fix it lol…

Yes—I’m a playdipper. This is my first game off that forum, so should be fun.

So, reveals. Good or bad, why or why not?

ah ok. there’s some newbie who constantly flakes from ms and comes back named clemency so i was like maybe thats you

I’m like the worst person to ask about role stuff honestly. The only thing I really put any thought into is that SSs should probably claim at like L-2 post rvs and we should probably force a scummy player to hammer them with the threat of a policy lynch/vig but i think that goes without saying

just claiming SS is dumb unless you just want out of the game or something lmfao

Bear with me, and walk me through why this is true, please.

dont want scum to try to claim ss to ward people away from lynching them so by forcing ss lynches (and using them as double lynches) we minimize the likelihood scum fakeclaim ss. basically any scenario where scum claim vig is good since the other two claims make it harder to kill them without feeling like it’s a risk. if scum claim bomb we can just lynch them in the dayphase so it’s nbd

if my logic is ass backwards though call me out and explain why this just makes sense in my head

i guess we can also vig scum who claim ss but with blank vigs and night actions that seems less reliable

I think mass claiming is optimal

thoughts? I’ve never played this setup

it might be a good idea late into d1? i feel like ss is better used after we have established reads on people and massclaiming might muddy that

also bomb has utility when it’s unclaimed and on an obvtown player who isnt getting vigged

wait this is a 6 day deadline LMFAO

let’s see how this table pans out activity wise then

or if elli locksolves the game :kappa:

probably good to do it in some sort of popcorn ya

in 24-48 hours

ive been mullling over the idea of a bomb-nobomb claim, not an actual mass-claim

then force the scummiest bomb claim to hammer people

there’s some logic behind this, i think (e.g. i think scum are more inclined to claim bomb than supersaint and this disincentivises that a bit - i think a mass-claim on the other hand gives them too much freedom to choose whether they want to claim bomb or not after seeing how many supersaints are on the table) but it’s 3:40am so ima go back to sleep and see if i still think it’s a good idea when i wake up again

what timezone are you


and while bomb is anti-scum it’s probably more anti-town in this setup than anti-scum i think

and i’m GMT+10 (sydney aus)

only up atm because i set my alarm for a different game lol

I love Australians I’m doing an exchange program to aus next year

what thoughts on a bomb or not claim first and then a mass claim?

we could have all bombs or supersaints though? the # of bomb/ss claims shouldn’t matter to scum since it’s always going to be 2-4. it’s bomb/ss and vigs that are mutually exclusive unless im missing your point :skull:

when you wake up tho what makes you think bomb is a more likely claim than ss, at least as scum i’d be more scared of a lynch that has a 100% of working and maybe hope for shit coming from someone refusing to hammer that deflects away from me than i would about nks that might not work and my partner being able to doc me/rb one of the vigs

if bomb is the better scum claim though then yeah i agree w your plan

thinking on it more what i at least like about a massclaim is that depending on the # of claims on each side we might be able to confirm people as town (like if there’s 3 non-vig claims we know that there can only be max 1 scum in that group, 6 vig or 5+ nonvig claims means there has to be scum there)

unsure if it’s worthwhile though, especially if we wind up in a 4 vig/3 nonvig world where scum claim 1 vig and 1 nonvig and can do so easily (especially if we divide claiming up)

mass claim can conf town a group of people rarely, but it’s more just to put a pin in and refer back to later when we hit the first scum and breaking the game open

it’s TRUE in mostsemi open setups like this

none of the prs are particularly useful regardless