Video Mafia

We are going to use Discord for mine, and keep it to 8+the mod

gonna make a thread for it in a bit with all the details

I’d be keen to play sometime if there’s a game that I can make.

Discord regularly craps out on me with only two people in the call though so that might be an adventure

Discord is really heavy on your system, though.

It’s ok, he has a ssd :wink:

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ironically disk i/o is the only thing discord isn’t hard on

That would be the joke :+1:

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no im the joke

At least you’re funny, that’s more than most can say :woman_shrugging:

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Any more than two others and discord does poorly.

Skype used to be better quality 10 years ago

Now it. Sucks

Pls explain

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my friend at msoft says he’s on the team for a project nicknamed worse skype


They haven’t done any work on it in 10 years.

If I can run Apex on high with Streamlabs OBS running I can run a 9 person conference call lol

But it’s not just you. The impact is on everyone’s system.

you gonna need more ssd space to run it?


It’s heavy on network use, GPU rendering, and on the CPU.

All we can do is attempt it and see if it works