I mean I would argue that NotMafia is the correct shot there like 100% of the time, but I can’t argue anything really. I keep saying something (which I argue I would do), then do the opposite, and lose.
I have a sure fire winning prediction - I will end dead last in this format.
Whatever - I can’t for the life of me figure out how to read GTacc and it’s never going to happen.
I mean look at my #7. It’s like I intentionally look to say things that win, and go and do the exact opposite. It’s so obnoxious.
NotMafia GOAT
tfw you self vote as godfather and win
I am the weakest link
I still have the least amount of points so I get the distinction for now.
You are definitely enjoying this a lot.
Yeah, I imagine you would just resign in this situation, but I’m pretty sure this post is the winning post:
I also think some credit goes to notmafia, because the scum slip is a legitimate troll post that could be made about him.
I know I’m a cow, but in this game, I think I was more of a GOAT