Triple Tickle Game Thread (Day 4)

hey what are your scum-reads if any, or what’s closest to them

(im asking spak in the above post)

I’m ignoring it because it was posted on D2 not D1.

My arguments revolved around my D1 interpretation of your slot. I’m not an oracle that can see into the future to know what your reads are.

First of all, I didn’t get roleblocked. So clearly GoldenGirl is fake. Second of all, if rbs are somehow silent, it could also be that the killer was silent / didnt kill to frame someone. Third of all, GoldenGirl retracted her claim.

Conclusion; I’m not killer.

Actually, I think your slot practically resolves itself. If you are a Killer, then it’s only a matter of time before it becomes obvious.

What I suggest you do is help us figure out other Killers. Simply denying that you are a Killer and then not doing anything else… isn’t helping your case much.

And the idea that the Killer did not expend their shot is really bad. Sorry.

Ok then

I started hosting an org yesterday, I don’t have unlimited time. Also my reads didn’t rlly change, I just guess I should find a diff third killer suspect as Benedict flipped town. But I still think Erika and Spak are both killer. I’d say you or the person that replaced in would be the most likely for the last killer.

Enough ppl have been AFK for it to be possible.

Actually the one person that was, got replaced. And one of the players that posted early and did not come back (Benedict) was executed and shown not to be Killer. And, the idea that the Killer with a shot actively decided not to shoot is ridiculous. Never happening and would have been a horrendous decision.

What do you make of the {Luft, Martin} squabble that has been occurring?



Yeah I can see this.

Sorry for not being around a lot; we just got done with a sprint today at work so I’ve had to put in long hours. I should be around more now that that’s over!

So… Why? What was the point of that whole play? You basically just said you were Spec, claimed you were spec and Phone was killer, and backed off the play before you could’ve shown any pressure. I agree with Martin that you should’ve at least waited. Given that you knew Phone was likely asleep during this whole exchange, I’m pretty sure that you thought you’d get away with the play without any hang-ups. I’d normally just call this baiting a CC and doing a 1-for-1 trade (plus maybe wasting a phase if you got the Spec… tickled?), but that’d be stupid as Indy lol.

Okay, before I get tunnel vision, let’s back up a step. Why do you think Phone’s almost 100% scum?

Okay, I’ll give ya the DL on my perception of most of the game:

Honestly, I’ve really liked Andres’ D2 play. He’s been asking good questions, and interacting heavily with most people in-thread. I have to go back to re-read you and Luft’s interaction tonight (really disorienting to not have page numbers here, as that’s how I’ve typically re-read specific sections), but I’ll get back to you on that once I’m not on lunch break lol. Last town slot is either Phone, Erika, or YoubutWorse imo. I would’ve put Erika on the scum list yesterday, but liked her stuff closer to EoD yesterDay.

By PoE, that leaves… The rest of the game lol. Sam I don’t feel great about (the whole spec claim/unclaim is super sus, as well as some of the stuff I pointed out D1), and two our of the pool of Phone/Erika/YoubutWorse. No clue how far from deadline we are right now, but my best lead is:

VOTE: GoldenGirl

oooooh I don’t like this vote
that may be because I townread golden girl

Main reason is that I believe the spec claim was to bait out a kill on a VT instead of potential spec, which seems pretty towny to me.
They kept it up for a push and to see some spew (though they did end up retracting it a bit early ill admit)
Still doesn’t seem like anything a killer would do. Puts a GIANT target on their back if they don’t get protected by spec or if spec fails a rb.

I’ll emphasize the “retracting it a bit early;” it looked like the push gained steam, then she dropped the push before the push-ee could respond (Phone’s time zone was already established). If pushing for pressure was the plan, I don’t see how it was effective. She could easily imply it’s to draw fire from a VT (a killer would do this since a VT is an unoptimal NK target, yet susceptible to 2/3 of the NKs). And then she just says that Phone’s scum with little stated reasoning.

Something in her behavior makes absolutely no sense imo. I’m pretty sure that there’s at least one scum within Phone/Sam, and I’m more confident in Sam’s guilt.

I’d still rather vote somebody else over Golden. (and I’d be fine with phone)

**I have decided that in the event of a tie, the players tied will play Rock Paper Scissors to decide which one lives and which one dies. **

Oh, was what we were arguing about on D1? Oops, I retract this I guess lol. Sorry, I’m not used to this format. My point is, I did have reads back then, even though it may appear I didn’t voice them much.

From this, we can only conclude you’re not a killer roleblocked by GoldenGirl, not that you’re not a killer at all. This doesn’t make you any townier (or scummier) than before.

Who’d you execute, then? GoldenGirl only? You aren’t considering her gambit as towny at all?

I would, too. I actually find her gambit rather towny (drawing the potential kill to herself, making herself a good protection target). She dropped it before it became anti-town.

As for Phone, eh, I guess I don’t have an objection, but I’d rather execute Erika. As for Martin, I’m starting to seriously consider the possibility that he’s just really weirdly misguided… not sure about it, but he makes some sense, and he could have started on the wrong premises. Idk if I want to execute him anymore.
VOTE: ErikaFurudo

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