Transitioning away from using lynch - alternatives and implementation

Lose is a pretty bad word


Lose is still a bad word

But its not racist

“Heartbreaking: The worst person you know made a good point”

Don’t be mean please.

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Elli what do you think about it though? MyLo and LyLo

Not super concerned about that stuff atm. I’m sure new terminology will pop up on its own.

MyLo could easily be switched to MiLo “miss/lose”

That’s not even close to mean

Yeah but Lylo? I was thinking of Volo and Molo but they’re dumb.

Vote or Lose, Mis-Vote and Lose.

But I hate the acronym I would never use it.

ExLo MExLo


that doesn’t fix and/or problem tho

TBH it doesn’t matter if it is MyLo or LyLo because you know it is mylo if it is final-#evennumber and Lylo if its final-#oddnumber, you can just say F-3 or F-5 or F-4
“is it F-4?”
“nah we have a doc”

you never say mylo in an oddnumbered final and lylo in evennumbered final I think it is good

We are using this now unless someone brings an example where saying final doesn’t define what it is but mylo and lylo does
