Tarot uPick: Under A Deviant Moon - GAME OVER!

Cool 1 scum in Elli and cat. Like this post if you think it’s Elli

ActionDan has been prodded

Hmm. Still reading up

Cat is there anymore to your role then being a treestump? A yes or no will suffice.

Vote: Chesskid
I wanna go back to this now D:

I’m not moving. You guys can come join up with me.

V 1-9

Pyx: 4 (ActionDan, GuyinFreezer, srceenplay, chessbaby3, )
Ellibereth: 2 (beeboy, Erika Furudo)
chesskid3: 2 (Judge Mental, Alisae)
catspurr: 1 (Ellibereth)
srceenplay: 1 (smilodon)
chessbaby3: 1 (pyx)
Judge Mental: 1 (chesskid3)
ActionDan: 1 (catspurr)

Not Voting: 0 NONE

Deadline: March 22 Midnight US Eastern Time

Autolock Timer set to 30 minutes after Day 1 deadline is at the bottom of the thread

With 13 Alive it takes 7 to majority-lynch

I’m not getting used to this 4 days deadline at all.

I’m used to 24 hour days and plurality lynches at nightfall. Pity me.

vote ActionDan

No. No, I won’t.

full disclosure: I’m trying to work out whether “Reply” is better than quoting someone.

I think it depends. Replying to a very recent post? Reply is good. Responding to a post eleventy-seven posts up the thread? For the luvvamike use quote.

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 2000000000 hours unless flagged)

I’m used to 3 week days and no lynches to show for it. :confused:


Did you edit something? bad cupcake!

ok, how does it get worse than being a two-day treestump? HOWWWW?

In response to queries about my role.
yes I have a very minor one-shot power while I am, then when dead I am a treestump for two days.

The game is role madness I think everyone will have a minor power, including scum, so when someone role claims just as we are about to lynch them, we can probably ignore them.

How else can we hande role claims in a role madness game?:thinking:

Nothing wrong with it because it only happens when I’m dead.

Do you want to share what it is?

As I said to Judge, it doesn’t worry me being a tree stump. It is more like a two day bonus to hunt scum and participate in the game.

My vote still counts while I am alive.

[My AT&T internet has died - problem @ their end. Don’t know when they’ll get it fixed but hopefully soon. Very hard to play by phone - for me anyway. But I should be back before eod.]