SoDope Mafia 13 - AGORAPHOBIA

@Nanook there’s an actual postgame post here Postgame Policy, going to move all the rules things to their own category, but yeah, no need to link the buried one anymore.

That said critiquing the mod/setup post-game probably should fall under 2. as cited.

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I had a debate with key a few days ago about whether it’s worth dragging out games that are for all intents and purposes over, and she argued that even if the winner was more or less decided its sometimes worth continuing because interesting moments occur. I think the “competitive” part of the game was for all intents and purposes over once m2h died/the urist plan happened, but we interesting things definitely happened and that’s what some people enjoy.

I think the primary purpose for a lot of people in “crazy” games is the interesting moments and not the competition anyway?

ftr I’m still a strong member of team resign, I just actually though this was winnable because I’m a nutjob.

yeah powerspamming somehow did not keep me alive d1

I was mildly happy to see that my interaction with elli may have kept him alive!

@elli we getting the hang of the m2h/elli pairing maybe.

oh yeah I forgot I was scum D1 LOL

also I think the friendly thing gets confusing, probably going to require one of friendly/no-holds-barred going forward.

I guess the relevant question is how we handle postgames for the latter.

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Hadn’t seen that, good deal

You are. I told you to let me be the strategist :man_facepalming:

i also still don’t instantly qq out of late game tvp

Honestly, nothing I have posted about the set up is directed at you DS… It is entirely directed at the set up, I feel like the analysis I posted of the situation clarified that and clarified exactly which mechanics don’t work and what the principle issue is when balancing an asymmetric game. I’m happy that you took the time to host which is why I took the time to play out the game, even though it was resign worthy for some time.

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PvT is hard

Oh and I forgot about the feedback rule I guess :joy::man_facepalming:

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I maintain the game is likely very different without M2H dying d1. There were other factors that I considered as well. You could try putting all the roles into a spreadsheet and then looking at all the roles objectively and see how the game could have swung either way depending on who dies when and see how the game was designed.

Not everything has to be perfectly balanced. It’s all about what people do that matters in games like these. It’s like a choose your own adventure in that regard.

Thanks for playing Star, I wasn’t tripping about any of this by the way, it got blown out of proportion as far as I am concerned.

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Elli x M2H ship lol

i blame DS for letting me roll scum tbh.

I think im always scum in DS games ngl

I jest I jest

or do I? :thinkwoke:

Gg no fight plz

#friendly is a tag