Shakespeare uPick (12 of 12, Sign ups are closed)

Pick 3 – any character, setting or prop from one of Shakespeare’s plays or sonnets, and I will design the roles around your picks, attempting to give everyone their first choice. If there are choice collisions, then I’ll look at the second/third picks. I can also pick something for you if you prefer.

96 hour days, 24 hour nights.

If we get at least 9 sign-ups by Saturday, I’ll run the game starting mid next week.

There ~may~ be unique mechanics, but that kinda depends on the size of the player list and what they pick.


  1. DS
  2. Metal Sonic
  3. Urist
  4. Nanook
  5. ActionDan
  6. Andresvmb
  7. Mylo
  8. Erika Furudo
  9. Srceenplay
  10. GuyInFreezer
  11. Catspurr
  12. Mantis


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I will be suprised if anyone uses the pick feature lol, does anyone read Shakespeare

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it’s required reading in canadian schools so yea. my grade 6 novel study was macbeth of all things.
also in

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Was required reading for us too. Caesar, Romeo and Juliet, various selections/excerpts from other stuff.

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Do we have to pm the picks or can we post them in thread

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PM them please.


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Ooooh I’m /in for this!

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How do I play mafia again


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Oh where 4 art thour Romeo

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OOps sorry for putting my picks in slow

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No worries!

I’ll in

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Sign-ups are closed. I hope to have the game design finished by Tuesday and the game launched on or before Thursday.


As it turns out, I have jury duty tomorrow. Depending on if that becomes a long term commitment, I’ll try to start the game tomorrow night or Friday. If I wind up actually on a trial jury this may have to wait a few days.

I was on Jury Duty for a week.
It is worth doing.
Worth the experience.

reminds me of this:

I’m Moira