Looks like it grows a bit when you click into a thread.
mmm yeah it’s been like that on light for a bit too.
I’ll muck around a bit on a graphics editor tmrw and see if I can fix it. Not my strong suit though.
I think there’s a bug where clicking on the logo doesn’t refresh the home page on desktop when you’re on the home page already - looking into it.
Also post link sharing and some other minor things are bugged.
These are all on discourse’s end and they’re fixing them up.
I think stuff is fixed.
EDIT: Or not? The homepage stuff seems to be good but the sharing thing regressed again?
Force refreshed you - are you still getting that?
Can you visit the site on incog mode and see if it’s acting like that?
the school disabled incognito mode
Can you clear cache? I’m not able to repro the bug.
@Key @beeboy (or any other light theme user), are you getting this?
cleared my cache and the bug didn’t come back
Can you not unlike posts?
works in here but like not in my signup thread
maybe its a category specific thing?
There’s a 1-minute window to undo right now. What’s the reason to unlike other than accidentally hitting like.
ya know like
when someone signs up for a game
so you like it
but then they
cough vizzy cough
out so you want to unlike it.
eh sure, I was worried about in game abuse at some point but that’s prolly a silly concern.
It’s 2000000000 minutes now.
you get a like for that
ill be taking it away in t minus
1999999999 minutes
shut the frick up
Whenever I click the playercount button, I can see my avatar even though I’m not /in