Ranked 2v7

i can answer that: its AtE, you hoped you could sway me yesterday with a little theatrics and I was a little too determined for you.

I donā€™t rely on emotional arguments. You can argue Iā€™m Scum every day of the week thatā€™s all good. But I would be relatively annoyed if you are seriously saying that I purely rely on emotional arguments as either alignment.

Points against Andres

  • This game is actually entirely within his scum range

Points for Andres

  • Would he break my trust for a ranked game?

Points against M2H

  • Has been tunnelling me the entire game which I definitely do not like

Points for M2H

  • This level of performance is RadiantCowbells level (all implications suggested)

who is radiantcowbells?

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An excellent scum player who I would compare his scum play your current play to right now. He wins a lot of scum games.

MS take your time. You still have one and half days to make up your mind. Iā€™m just hoping that you do realize that I am Town here and Iā€™ve just not been accurate, which is not atypical for me at all.

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I mean like, yes. I have tunneled you the entire game. I also think you deserved it if Iā€™m being honest with you.

On one hand I am glad and touched that you both trust me enough to hand me the hammer.

On the other hand, fork this forking game.

You canā€™t be deep up scumā€™s pocket without getting some on yourself.

This is obviously your spin. The right way to look at it is that he found me as Town and despite all thatā€™s happened we can still make the right call here.

@MetalSonic hopefully you give important consideration to the fact that I read you as Town correctly and always sided with you.

Secretly considering:

Mislynching Andres here would probably break our trust for all future games and a long time

Not lynching Andres-scum here would make the other town members very pissed because Urist/Nanook/StarV would all have died in vain.

Itā€™s not just my spin for the record. All the dead townies agreed with meā€“thatā€™s probably why theyā€™re dead. I donā€™t think its really a point against me that I scum read MS for a large span of the game when MS was making the same poor votes as you and offering little to no substance to back them up. I stand by that. MS played a game that I think was scummy. You played a scummier game yesterday and were the top pick by Nanook and Chess so I picked you here. Even when I was railing against MS in thread because weā€™re both active and thus I can get into long back and forth rants with MS, I was voting you at the end of the day.

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At this stage you donā€™t have a choice but to make the argument that I was Scummier since itā€™s obvious that I put my trust in the correct player.

I am considering if you would break our trust over one competitive game. Would our relationship survive this test? Iā€™ve never experienced this kind of pressure before.

even while making nanook the top wagon, he was shading me trying to insinuate that my andres vote was bad. if nanook was scum in his eyes, why is he shading me here.

I donā€™t want to influence your decision by threatening to withdraw my trust for all future games because of this particular game. I am Town, and Iā€™ll be sorely disappointed, but mostly at myself for playing a piss poor game to the point where so much of the Town thought I was the answer.

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I put my faith in the correct people too, you just lynched them all :woman_shrugging:

Again, I canā€™t make lynches happen on my own. You turn around and make Urist primarily responsible for Nanookā€™s lynch until itā€™s convenient to pile it on me.

and from my eyes, ā€œput trust inā€ seems a whole lot more like ā€œpocketed.ā€ You pocketed MS and took a wrecking ball to the towncore.