Ranked 2v7

Then why did you “scumread” me before Nanook and Chess?

Would be great if you didn’t flood the game with all that, then you’d actually have a strong point there! Here it looks like you adopt their reads because it fits your world view.

Look, I’m not going to argue with you on this anymore. It’s as Andres said:

Sure let’s blame chess.

did i sr andres at all before chess said he was in the poe-- no. do i have a particularly strong tr on urist – no. you seem a whole hell of a lot like you’re arguing with me.

Yeah, I need your vote, thanks.

you can blame chess after you flip red.

sometimes you need things you don’t have :woman_shrugging:

Nah I’m done. It’s clear that you’re going to flip Andres and then me because you’re helping scum wincon more than scum ever could.

To me it’s just a game. I’m not wasting any further time on rankings that don’t matter to me.

You can go suffer the blame of chess/Nanook when you singlehandedly lose this game for town. Sure, you’ll quote their reads in defense, which makes it a pretty good defense, actually. But you’ll never be completely absolved of blame.

Then you can blame me and Andres for acting “scummy”, but I’m thankful that Nanook gave me really perfect insurance there.

<3 Nanook sorry for lynching you and Rest In Peace bby:<

Carry on then

you’re doing a whole lot of AtE and a whole lot of not posting content.


It usually works on players who act on emotion. :man_shrugging:t2:

The content is to lynch Urist.

If you don’t want to listen to content then don’t waste my time. I don’t plan to waste further time.

unfortunately for you I don’t.


After giving this game more thought, I think the optimal scenario here is to go 2-2 and force Urist to pick you as the mislynch. I cannot imagine any world where lynching Urist does not win us the game; I’m absolutely sure that both you and M2H are town so there is no room for doubt in my mind.

Forcing Urist to mislynch you during a tie should hopefully ring alarm bells (in the best case scenario) because the optimal move if either of us were scum logically would be to “kill” Urist and force M2H to decide between each of us. Of course M2H could argue that scum!MS did that so that Urist could be lynched in F3” but such a case would be invalid because M2H is already tunnelling on me.

Meanwhile if you self-vote, we lose the chance for Urist to be forced to “lynch you”. Because we go 2-2, the ball is in his court. You being mislynched in a 2-2 scenario ensures that there is no other choice for scum!Urist and hopefully M2H can pull his head out of his ash.

Looking for your opinion. We need to consider planning for F3 now because it appears that if it’s one thing M2H is good at, it’s being consistent, and right now the outlook doesn’t look too good. If he chains you into me the outcome is a loss, which is what we want to avoid. So we need to at the very least try to change it into you -> Urist, since the preferable outcome of Urist today appears unlikely.

I’m thinking of comparing his position to the Monty Python Hall problem but I need to be sure that the analogy is right.

M2H wants to pick me for scum.

The host randomly opens two other doors, one of which is guaranteed to be the wrong answer.

Continue on his choice on me for scum or change his pick?

If I’m right about objective reality, you are going to be flipped open, and definitively a wrong answer. If M2H is learned enough, he should understand that the correct move is to swap to Urist given your flip. But it suggests that your flip is an inevitable course of action. Not optimal but we need to play with the cards we are dealt.

Let me know. @Andresvmb

This analogy works for me getting flipped also, so I think it insures us in the event that Urist manages to convince M2H to lynch me today by some magic.

reads > math

unless they are below rand reads but chesskid reads are NOT below rand.

let me reiterate

I am NOT voting Urist.

or at the very least, you are negative convincing me.