Police Precinct


ordering drinks sounds important to the game but the officer cant. need to figure out that mechanic

He can just claim to be Abstinent Patron or something

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I am however concerned that the fake claim list means somebody will have a list of all the roles and fake claims

Probably the barkeep

So perhaps he claims “I can’t order drinks, I’m a manager”

And if somebody CC’s Manager he can say “No, I said I’m a manager, not the Manager. My role is called “Assistant Manager” and I take over the Manager’s role if he dies.”

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Also wait

Unless the Undercover Cop is different than the example Undercover Cop role card, no they aren’t?

We have no anti-claim at all @StarV

Claiming has little benefit, but there are roles that are negatively impacted by claiming.

…aight sure

Whats the benifit to drinking? Getting into fights? I say don’t drink. Last time everyone went to a party they all died


no comment

Clearly not everyone has a choice


@StarV do we take a menu rn

If so I’ll take a cocktail menu please

You can, menus are then going to be available once again every day for re-selection

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@Srceenplay get in here and grab a menu probably

Also we know why drinking is good now lol

Here is your menu, it appears as though the owner replaced all of the ingredients with stupid little quips… Maybe they mean something?

Cocktail Menu
You talk, like a lot, like you have a big fucking mouth.
Black Russian
In mother Russia, bear tell you what to do.
Moscow Mule
The refined taste that only a true friend can appreciate
Sex on the beach
You are a useless piece of &%@$. Also, you’re probably getting laid tonight.
Blue Lagoon
You’ve been learning to mix drinks, and now you want to compare your creations to what you can get at the bar, we get it…
Bloody Caesar
So you’re Canadian Eh?
I heard, if you dilute your mohito with water, you can make 2 Mohitos… Mind, blown.



@StarV is there any sort of guarantee there will be no negative effects from drinking/how bad said effects could be?

Or is it completely luck of the draw?

Also even though he can’t drink can @Squirrel2412 grab a menu?

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