Pokémon Mafia - Team Rocket Scum Thread

You may speak here during all phases. You may copy and paste your role pms to share with your teammates. During the night phase, please select someone to do the factional kill. A bolded action is considered final, all actions may be submitted via this thread.

Players on Team Rocket:



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[quote=“DS, post:1, topic:2233, full:true”]
Pokemon: Mewtwo
Alignment: Team Rocket
Win Condition: Win when all threats to Team Rocket are eliminated and your team has become the majority party.


Psychic: When performing the factional kill, he may use Psychic to make the kill unstoppable. Only available to be used once.

Recover: Mewtwo regains health, saving him from the first non-lynch kill attempt.

Pokemon: Meowth
Alignment: Team Rocket
Win Condition: Win when all all threats to Team Rocket have been eliminated and your team gains the majority.


Speak: Meowth, being the only Pokémon in the original anime to know English, can announce a message anonymously at the start of each phase. This may be done in addition to the factional kill.

Thief: Meowth may wander at night in an attempt to steal items from other Pokémon. This may not be used the same night as any other action.

Welp we scum again boys

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4 scum in a 12p game?

Fff is this 4/4/4


best team evah

I’m voltorb I can suicide bomb onto someone

srceen… chess… gif… weren’t you all scum last time?


Should I fake claim diglet commuter

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Diglet used DIG



Team rockets blasting off aaaaagaaaaaaiiiin

oh god I’m dead

oh hey I could suicide bomb Elli lol

Pokemon: Voltorb
Alignment: Team Rocket
Win Condition: Win when all threats to Team Rocket are eliminated and your team has become the majority party.

Self Destruct: Self suicides during a day phase, taking an undefended player with them.