Parity Cop 9'er (3, 4)

Well apparently not because it made me think he was town :3

You would have flipped the vote from Dusk onto me then. Which maybe makes for a better game honestly. I wish you would have done that.

I mean meta is trash

But it’s also like super useful


useful trash

so like recycling

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If I existed EOD I would have unvoted Dusk.

Dan you disappeared for two days even though I asked you to comment repeatedly. You could have not left your vote there just hanging out for like 2 real days then.

I had to look up what sitting shiva was.

Your post with the quotes was bad


This one


Ok ok

Optics tho

Grab em by the shiva

I didn’t know you cared about optics.


I like to mix it up and soapbox once in awhile

And when I did with two days left you quick hammered me

yeah remember his diatribe about bitches


oh yeah dan got the scumteam postmortem
