Parity Cop 9'er (3, 4)

I guess andres doesn’t want to take me to the dance anymore

Yeah that would be tremendously helpful.

pretty sure M2H remains town

Yes I agree.

nah it read like scum reluctance to me so i pushed it harder, turns out it was wrong. that happens sometimes

im pretty sure i disagree with m2h definitely being town but i dont feel like going for them today is the play

We’re pretty much never killing off the dusk wagon + Andres today. That’s a given.

Basically I’m interested today in tn/star/dan, not in that order, and I don’t think we should be killing outside those three.

The quick jump out on dan is a bit of a red flag tbh, but…I mean…he’s in my POE and he’s hard to read, so I also sort of get it? But then the two votes are the other people in my POE, which makes me feel not awesome.

i was reluctant to put my vote there because of starv also being there
but dan is the most likely scum in my estimation

I don’t even disagree with you, it’s just disconcerting to see suspects number 2 and 3 immediately put votes there, you know?

it wasn’t immediate from me like it was from starv
i sat back and thought about it for a good 20 minutes before putting my vote in

im not happy with it but i think it’s NAI from starv

Perhaps. But the timing of your vote is what’s driving my suspicion. It’s literally right after. Like you were afraid the momentum was going to shift elsewhere and decided that driving that over the edge was most important here.

When did this happen??


I meant the read, I’m aware DS died

Tn is talking about the list that you are supposed to submit N1 guessing who is Scum.

And Town from Scummiest to Towniest.

Also, StarV is playing completely carelessly. Which is not unlike StarV in general perhaps but it’s coming across as Scummy to me. Particularly the language around the hammer. It almost looks like an attempt to cut the discussion short.


Sighs. I understand that, Andres.

What I’m asking is where did that read come from and when was it formed.

Now stfu and let the man speak for himself.