NSIMI Dead Thread

Ya but with the switcherinos I think always good to win your game asap idk

I’m just being critical dont mind me!

I tailored my survey responses to get a vig shot and all I got was a neighbor not even a mason

You’re welcome

The way I figured it I either had a 5% chance to incorrectly kill Eli if I shot him, or like a 40 or 45% chance if I shot Doggo or UFO

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Ya but they’d deserve it

i thought doggo was super hard town idk what you guys are smoking :stuck_out_tongue:

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Lol I literally asked for a vig shot in my survey when he asked if we like guns.

I said guns for me and nobody else…

Huh. Okay, now I see how most of these questions were relevant, but what did marmalade and Phil Collins relate to?

the role clem gave me made my daily life significantly easier

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Another reason I didn’t want to shoot him lol.

I suspected him, but had you as more likely town than not by the end, and with all your wizardry I figured give him another day.

I was considering UFO though. I think I said that to Nook at some point.

Oh and I had another weird part to my role other than vig

I had some “slippery bear” power.

Where the first thing or action anyone tried to do to me at night, it wouldn’t go through.

Oh right i forgot about the questionnaire. @Nanook did our answers influence anything in the game?

i was straight vanilla, which is just fine.

I asked for a vig shot and got a vig shot.

Also he asked if I liked marmalade. I had confused that with “margarine” and said I liked butter better. That might be why I got the slippery bear thing :laughing:

What was your role?

I said that I don’t like guns and that I’m a pack creature. That’s vanilla alright.

He was a Mason hahahahahaha nooky told me