Miscellany uPick (11/11) Signups closed, accepting replacements!

It’s like a mirror universe.

does that mean i’m left handed in the other dimension?

Pfft! It’s not like your hands become your feet or anything.

gonna design this this weekend.
having it reviewed by a couple of people after that.
if everything goes well, the game will open early next week!


I appear to be late

invisiblate pls

It’s fine I haven’t started working on it yet :slight_smile:

Just finished writing roles. Game should be ready by tomorrow night!



I’m excited to see my role (and if urist made it cool or not)

sending roles out now! i’m going to wait until tomorrow to create the thread, so don’t bother looking for it yet.

I’ve set up a group for this game and made you the group manager so that you can @ the entire player list at once. The group name is @Misc. To edit the group, click “Group” in the hamburger menu and then locate the group name in the list. Let me know if you have any issues with it!



Where is the thread?

Anybody know how to reach impulse?