my order still win selffive
good job starZ
my order still win selffive
good job starZ
there was a timer!
lmao oops dan
This was at 10:00pm on June 10. You randed the dollmaker at 6:50pm give or take on June 13.
But yes apparently I can’t do math I think the timer may not have been correct with the 3 days and 7 hours stated
But there was a timer!
Beside the point - we had no chance to even participate because of the deadline change
sigh. this one is frustrating
I am sorry you feel wronged by the time change
I did not want to wait until bedtime to rand because it felt moving it now while people were around would give only 2 more hours of the dollmaker phase but closer to that 2/2 it seemed everyone wanted
Yeah sorry AD, I misread you p hard, I actually thought DS should go in Josh’s slot, but I didn’t want Josh to win on the off chance he was scum.
But really… The story of this game is the DS/Clem gambit guaranteed the game was over unless DS obvtowned which is not his mo.
Worth it
I have no complaints about the deadline. We lost this game earlier than that.
eh, i was planning on coming in a few hours before the deadline and making a case
i obvtown all the time you all just are horrible at reading me
moral of the story - dont change deadlines without peoples knowledge please thank youuuu
yeah good job star, for how much I meme at you, credit where credit is due.