Matroshka Mafia 2: More Grandmothers Required [Talk Dolls To Me]



Товарищи товарищи!

Слушайте мне!!!

добрый день сука блять

Role PMs are going out TOMORROW MORNING, there will be 7 of these:


enjoy working the mines loser

And 2 of these:


For the first phase of the game, there will be a 3 day discussion period.

After this time, one of the 7 town people will be randomly selected as dollmaker.

They will then have 24 hours to bold and post in thread an ordering of the 8 players who are not them.

Town wins if this list has

  1. no adjacent scum
  2. positions 1 and 2 are town

Otherwise Scum win.

Some Examples:

All Role PMs sent.

Starting the discussion phase now, but I will likely rand the dollmaker in 3 days and 7 hours to account for me being hopefully asleep 72 hours from now.



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okay so i clarified and i am in fact городок

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I have no idea what is this game or any mechanics

But if this is about parity copping, I may be useful

so one guy becomes confirmed town randomly after 3 days

they have to make a list of everyone else and the first two have to be town and the other 6 can’t have adjacent scum.

that’s it


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My hot take is that DS is town


i havent even posted yet

solid read tho tbh

I don’t need posts, I’m psychic

has nanook over corrected so hard from that other game that he is now town reading me for no reason

It’s not no reason. It’s cause I’m goddamn psychic.

aka you saw i wasnt in your scum forum orrrrrr

you were scum in that other game

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Don’t impugn my oracular abilities you benevolent mole