Matroshka Mafia 2: More Grandmothers Required [Talk Dolls To Me]

I was about to say I’d take that as long as Josh/DS were switched

I mean its StarV it was over

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@ActionDan of “GET FUCKED DAN” fame, big scary villain that he was…

Was in fact a Town doll!

Well, if the scum wasn’t DAN, let’s check the smallest two, shall we?

@Ellibereth the poster, the mighty mathemagician

Was in fact a Town doll

@Andresvmb, the doll who insisted he be shaped like Roger Federer’s shapely behind

Was in fact a Town doll

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Well hey, seems like we’re almost out of the woods, eh?

@Josh the serene, the man with a green avatar and green with envy

Was in fact a Town doll

Well…not too many different possible combinations left.

Only 3, in fact.
But one would be quite toxic for those dolls

@Nanook of the Sackville-Baggins’s

Was in fact a Scum doll

So it comes down to this.

Is @Gtacc , amateur mathemagician and recent elementary school graduate


Or a pure hearted noble miner slaving away in the gulag?



Was a Town Doll!

That means of course that

@DS Was a Scum doll, and that



well fuck

Okay so I think its a little bullshit that you moved the deadline ahead 10 hours without getting an okay from either of the scum. Neither of us were online and didnt even get a chance to have any potential impact on that secondary phase because we were unaware of the shift in deadline.


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I moved it 2 hours :frowning:

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nah bruh you said the first phase would be 3 days and 7 hours long

@DS did it seem like I was giving anyone a chance to sway my choice?