Marked for Death

I meam i think Seth star andres wins here i don’t think it’s a wrong poe

who dies first

this is an import question seeing as my precious elo hangs in the balance

Idk get ur own elo

how do i delete somebody else’s post

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Votecount as of post #366

Nanook (1): GoalkeeperBoss
StarV (1): Seththeking
Seththeking (1): Andresvmb

Not Voting (4): Nanook, StarV, chesskid3, M2H




colin you really are being quiet you should maybe stop coasting thanks <3

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I’m okay where I am

it would be a whole lot nicer if you did post some content

I’m pretty busy but come Sunday I definitely can


Bold of you to think you’ll make it to Sunday

tomorrow morning, take it or leave it.

@chesskid3 Seth or Star first

I’ll leave ut

Dunno lol