Mafia 4 5 1 2 [Over!]



For future reference - past Seth I’m really not sure but I’m way more confident on him given the recent string. The rest is actual going to be some coin-flipping (within the framework I had in my earlier post), but I think this is the best we can do given the circumstances.

Or at least I can do. :stuck_out_tongue:

I not lynch a town.

VOTE: seth

As tempting as it is to just tell elli that he’s been replaced and tobor is the Captain now

There’s a nonzero chance tobor is an old friend pulling a cavin and elli is very very likely not mafia so

VOTE: Seth

I think that’s a hammer @chesskid3

Votecount as of post #154

Seththeking (5): Ellibereth, Duskfall98, Andresvmb, M2H, Nanook
GTacc (2): Urist, Tobor

Not Voting (2): GTacc, Seththeking

@Seththeking was also the mafia! Wow u guys are good at this.

Night 1 starts now.

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Wow what a peaceful night!

Where is the other admin tho

Oh he’s dead

@Ellibereth died he was a Vanulla Townie


There are currently 7 players alive. 2 mafia and 5 town.


vig has 2 shots aye

mafia is clearly braindead for shooting elli, guess i’m clear :parrot::parrot::parrot:

Oy what’s this???

@Nanook drops dead

That was weird

Wait he was a scumfuck???



Well this one is a bit more sad

Poor innocent @Urist takes a rock to the head and dies bleeding in the street.

He was just a Vanulla of course.


slightly less dab

i blame elli

VOTE: tobor

peep this quicklynch boyo